
(redirected from prewired)


vb (tr)
(Building) to wire (a building) before further construction
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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HBM says suitable for structural tests at exceptionally high temperatures, the latest series of KFU strain gauges are prewired and come equipped with a 1 meter long, high temperature protection cable.
Additional features of the Aquagel GPV include modular bolt-on capabilities for simplified integration into Ecodry or Heavygel central cooling systems; multiple high-efficiency pump and motor options; a prewired inverter drive per pump (range 40-60 Hz); manual-mode operation available with each inverter; and automatic pump cycling, including standby pumps, to equalize running times.
All are prewired for AC input and AC/DC output and are ready-to-use out of the crate.
The small footprint CentroMix models arrive on site prewired, pre-plumbed and factory tested for quick and easy installation--requiring merely a single electric, water and air connection to be up and running.
HomeLink is intended to help electricians to simply change out the subpanel, conveniently preparing the prewired switch for an automatic home generator to back up essential circuits (max 11 kW).
Ross Tumble Blenders are offered with a variety of prewired control options, from simple motor starters and variable frequency drives to sophisticated operator stations.
Start-up time is minimized by plug-in installation with prewired beds and pre-tested controls.
Customization is welcome and the building can be built to be insulated, prewired, furnished with specialized customer equipment and heated/cooled.