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Related to protopod: protopod larva


(Zoology) the basal part of a crustacean's limb
(Zoology) relating to a larval insect without limbs or a segmented abdomen
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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ID, 2B) uniramous, symmetrical; protopod with single seta at outer distal corner; exopod 2-segmented, with first segment bearing long outer seta reaching beyond terminal seta on succeeding segment, and second segment having fine seta and spine distally (corresponding to elements "e" and "f", respectively, sensu Boxshall and Jaurne (2000)) and triangular process on outer distal corner.
3), and resembles to some extent those of species of other misophriid genera such as, Misophria Boeck, 1865, Misophriella Boxshall, 1983, Misophriopsis Boxshall, 1983 and Stygomisophria Ohtsuka, Huys, Boxshall and Ito, 1992, based on either one of these two characters: (1) no separation is present between the coxa and basis, resulting in an undivided protopod; or (2) the endopod is absent.
5H) protopod quadrangular; endopod much longer than exopod, both with very long apical setae.
Uropodal protopod grooved on outer margin; insertion of endopod slightly proximal to that of exopod.
1C): Well-developed protopod process, longer than rostral spine, with 2 rows of 7 spinules of increasing size distally towards the tip.
2G) biramous; 2-segmented large protopod with strongly arched intercoxal sclerite, bearing bifid, unsegmented exopod and endopod.
Uropod with broad mmi; exopod with two small spines at posterolateral angle and with distinct transverse suture; posterolateral projection of protopod terminally blunt.
2D) large, subchelate, 3-segmented, comprising long protopod (corpus) and subchela consisting of free endopodal segment (shaft) and claw.
The protopod has medial (endites, endopod) and lateral (exopod, epipod) lobes.
The scaphognathite bears four to six plumose setae on the outer margin; the proximal lobe is completely fused with the protopod. There are two or occasionally three small groupings (one to five setae per grouping) of setae on the distal portion of the endopodite, in combinations of serrate, plumodenticulate, simple, and pappose setae.