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(Geological Science) a rare name for sandstone
[C19: from Greek psammos sand]
psammitic adj
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ROCKS OF SPITSBERGEN Carbonate rock 5 536,36 [km.sup.3] Sandstone & Psammite 4 211,46 [km.sup.3] Mudstone & Shale 1 945,44 [km.sup.3] Siltstone 1 232,27 [km.sup.3] Conglomerate & Breccia 660,73 [km.sup.3] Evaporite 134,45 [km.sup.3] Metaigneous rock 727,31 [km.sup.3] Quartzite 699,39 [km.sup.3] Metasediment 593,22 [km.sup.3] Schist 584,03 [km.sup.3] Marble 413,18 [km.sup.3] Amphibolite 346,41 [km.sup.3] Gneiss 270,03 [km.sup.3] Granite 521,18 [km.sup.3] Plutonite 117,06 [km.sup.3] Vulcanite 25,19 [km.sup.3] Unknown 534,65 [km.sup.3] Total 18 552,36 [km.sup.3]
The McMillan Flowage Formation extends north from the study area into the central Cape Breton Highlands but in the southeastern highlands is dominantly composed of nearly vertically dipping beds of quartzite, psammite and mica schist, displaying upper greenschist-facies metamorphism.
Julie has ridden at Badminton three times in the past on Irish Skater, the last time in 2002, but her 16.3hh bay Howecot Psammite was due to make his debut.
The next day Julie rode two Advanced horses to finish fourth with Irish Skater and retired on the cross country with Howecot Psammite.
The outer archways, which were added later in 1907, are a pink, massive, coarse-grained, K-feldspar porphyritic biotite granite containing biotite psammite xenoliths.
0.15 m--Buff-grey, skeletal packstone or grainstone with pellets, skeletal psammite, pebbles, and oncolites; a thin (1 cm) domerite intercalation is at the base and a sharp discontinuity surface at the top.
A single historic drillhole (AND24) in this area, by BHP in 1992, intersected brecciated gneiss, psammite and granite with matrix of chlorite and vuggy quartz veins containing minor chalcopyrite, hematite and pyrite.
This group contains rocks which have been previously described as being younger or newer metasediments: the Effon Psammite formation and the associated epidiorite schist and amphibolite complex.
Her partner was the 11-year-old bay horse Howecot Psammite, whom she has brought on over the past seven years.
Rock types in the area include fine- to coarse-grained amphibolite, minor mafic tuff, dark green-black pelite, psammite, and adjacent to the pegmatite lenses, fine-grained tourmaline-bearing, silica-rich rock.
Julie Robinson, 28, from Stokesley riding Howecotte Psammite a 16.2hh 10-year-old bay gelding would rather forget her terrible dressage score of 80.8, but after the jumping phases rose 33 places into 44th position.
The four star rider from Egglescliffe was eighth in an Open Intermediate section at the Isleham one-day event in Cambridgeshire on the 16.3hh bay horse Howecot Psammite. The pair went on to finish 15th at the same level at Lincoln one-day event, jumping good clears cross country at both.