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(in New Zealand) abbreviation for
(Banking & Finance) Public Service Investment Society, New Zealand's largest credit union
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PSI-90 is calculated using the weighted average of 11 component indicators (i.e., PSIs).
As described earlier, we obtained hospital rates for each of the 11 component PSIs from IPEC.
The researchers found PSI #7, selected infections due to medical care, was the best canary of the PSIs.
PTF data include both acute and nonacute (e.g., long-term care) admissions, and As the PSIs were developed for acute admissions only, we eliminated all nonacute admissions as well as the nonacute portions of mixed admissions, following the procedures developed by Rosen, Rivard, and their colleagues (Rivard et al.
AHRQ has made available on its website ( a set of SAS programs to be applied to prepared data to compute its PSIs; we used version 3.0, which was released in February 2006.
Hospital PSI rates for Medicare patients in the same hospital increased significantly (quality of care worsened) during the study period.
prevention quality indicators (PQIs), inpatient quality indicators (IOIs), and PSIs. PSIs screen for complications or adverse events "that patients experience as a result of exposure to the healthcare system and that are likely amenable to prevention by changes at the system or provider level" (AHRQ 2006a, c).
In the descriptive analyses, we computed cross-sectional comparisons between rural PPS and CAH hospitals for PSIs by year.
Berlin, 26 March 2019 -- PSI Group increased its operating result (EBIT) to 15.5 million euros in fiscal year 2018 (31 Dec.
Adding 2% of the organosilicon mixture to reground Azdel containing 38% glass boosted tensile strength in injection molded parts from 6850 psi to 9650 psi.