

having no pump
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Notably, the same authors developed a pumpless "skin-on-a-chip" model in which the culture medium recirculates by placing the devices on a rocking platform (Abaci et al., 2015).
Hickman are pioneers of organ-on-a-chip technology; their company is the first to create pumpless microfluidic multi-organ systems with fully integrated physiological functions, such as blood circulation and nerve connections.
Hickman, Ph.D., are pioneers of organ-on-a-chip technology, and their company is the first to create pumpless microfluidic multiorgan systems with fully integrated physiological functions, such as blood circulation and nerve connections.
Previous efforts to improve those numbers have been stymied by difficulties duplicating the functions of the placenta, but the device attached to the "Biobag" looks deceptively simple: a pumpless blue plastic box hooked up to the umbilical cord that oxygenates the blood, removes carbon dioxide, and adds nutrients.
The Extracorporeal System 1 Pumpless oxygenator circuit 2 Closed biobag system Umbilical artery 3
Previous researchers have investigated versions of an artificial placenta in animal models, but pumpless systems have achieved a maximum duration of 60 hours, and the animals have sustained brain damage.
The iLA is a pumpless low-resistance device that is connected arteriovenously and has been used as a BTT primarily in patients with ventilation-refractory hypercapnic lung failure.
Herein, we report the use of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) and Novalung pumpless extracorporeal lung assist (pECLA) as a bridge to diagnosis of pulmonary tumor embolization secondary to gastric signet-ring cell carcinoma.
26, 2007) ("It can also be said the incidence of chronic general malnutrition among children living in homes without drinking water that obtain their water from a stream/lake or pumpless well was considerably higher than those with homes supplied with water by ESSAP, SENASA or a private network....").
The first retrospective analysis examined five patients with TBI and ARDS who were connected to a pumpless extracorporeal lung assist system.