
(redirected from puparia)
Related to puparia: pupation


n, pl -ia (-ɪə)
(Zoology) a hard barrel-shaped case enclosing the pupae of the housefly and other dipterous insects
puˈparial adj
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(2011) observed four Tephritoidea puparia in banana samples (Musa paradisiaca L.), variety Prata, collected in Sao Paulo, but all of them non-viable, preventing identification of associated fly species.
The resulting larvae and puparia are typical of other Pseudacteon species (Porter 1998).
Metabolic responses of Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) puparia exposed to oxygen and temperature variation: Implications for population dynamics and subterranean life.
After 13 days, large numbers of calliphorid puparia (in total n=158) were collected from the soil under the carcass.
Puparia were placed on pots containing sand and closed with fabric for their emergence.
Only Elymus arenarais (grass) manufactures and Heleomyzidae (fly) puparia produced different ages in the two contexts, variations that suggest that these items are unreliable dating materials.
It was also rediscovered in 2004 and 2006 in the city of Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo, in puparia of C.
Moreover, in rural areas and in developing countries, infestions in dogs and cats could go unnoticed or undetected most likely because an in vivo diagnosis of nasal myiasis in carnivores is possible only if larvae and/or puparia are collected by pet owners or clinicians and correctly identified.