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Related to quenched: quenched steel


tr.v. quenched, quench·ing, quench·es
1. To put out (a fire, for example); extinguish.
2. To suppress; squelch: The disapproval of my colleagues quenched my enthusiasm for the plan.
3. To slake; satisfy: Mineral water quenched our thirst.
4. To cool (hot metal) by thrusting into water or other liquid.

[Middle English quenchen, from Old English -cwencan (in ācwencan, to quench).]

quench′a·ble adj.
quench′er n.
quench′less adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.quenched - allayed; "his thirst quenched he was able to continue"
mitigated - made less severe or intense; "he gladly accepted the mitigated penalty"
2.quenched - subdued or overcome; "the quelled rebellion"; "an uprising quenched almost before it started"; "a squelched rumor"
suppressed - kept from public knowledge by various means;
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
This was said in a tone which quenched Michel Ardan's last hope.
Undressing, she went into the bedroom; but her face had none of the eagerness which, during her stay in Moscow, had fairly flashed from her eyes and her smile; on the contrary, now the fire seemed quenched in her, hidden somewhere far away.
Her efforts in this line, however, were brought to an abrupt close by an untoward accident, which quenched her ardor.
A smart shower at eleven had evidently quenched the enthusiasm of the young ladies who were to arrive at twelve, for nobody came, and at two the exhausted family sat down in a blaze of sunshine to consume the perishable portions of the feast, that nothing might be lost.
"Let craft, ambition, spite, Be quenched in Reason's night, Till weakness turn to might, Till what is dark be light, Till what is wrong be right!"
But the interest of the day's proceedings for us is centred neither in the learned discourse of our friend Van Systens, however eloquent it might be, nor in the young dandies, resplendent in their Sunday clothes, and munching their heavy cakes; nor in the poor young peasants, gnawing smoked eels as if they were sticks of vanilla sweetmeat; neither is our interest in the lovely Dutch girls, with red cheeks and ivory bosoms; nor in the fat, round mynheers, who had never left their homes before; nor in the sallow, thin travellers from Ceylon or Java; nor in the thirsty crowds, who quenched their thirst with pickled cucumbers; -- no, so far as we are concerned, the real interest of the situation, the fascinating, dramatic interest, is not to be found here.
I had serious thoughts of getting a pitcher of water and extinguishing that light too; but it was evident his curiosity was too keenly excited to be quenched by that, and the more I manifested my anxiety to baffle his scrutiny, the greater would be his determination to persist in it besides it was too late.
"The last thing I want to happen is to see my grandchildren and daughter die because the steel bars might be one of those that are quenched tempered," she said.
DTI even cited a study conducted by the Department of Science and Technology - Metal Industry Research and Development Center (DOST-MIRDC), called the 'Characterization of Locally-Manufactured Quenched and Self-Tempered Reinforcing Steel Bars.'
The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) finds no factual or technical basis to support the allegation that quenched and tempered (QT) steel is unsafe for high-rise construction, following a series of consultations conducted with the Philippine Constructors Association (PCA), Philippine Iron and Steel Institute (PISI), Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines (ASEP), and other relevant stakeholders.

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