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a Swiss coin equal to one hundredth of a franc
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Weber also announced shareholders to receive 70 Rappen per share as dividend.
To its left is Jorg Immendorff's Ohne Titel (2000), while hanging on the wall to the right is Arabisches Zeltlager mit Schimmel und Rappen (1857) by Hans von Marees.
amb 'bow, crossbow', hui 'nettingneedle', ihu 'body; flesh', jaga-(ma) 'to divide', jaksa-(ma) 'to be able to, to be strong enough', jase 'limb', kaas 'lid', kesk 'center', koole 'ford', kotkas 'eagle', kudu-(ma) 'to weave', kaski-(ma) 'to order', kulm 'cold', louna 'south', meel 'mind, sense', moni 'some', neid 'young lady, maiden', nema-(d) 'they', niin 'bass, bast', okse-(nda-ma) 'to vomit', orav 'squirrel', ots 'end, tip', pedajas 'pine', peni 'dog', pire 'restless; grumpy', pahkel 'nut', rehi 'barn', rappen 'vent for hot vapour', sage 'frequent', sari 'series, cluster', sarna(-ne) 'similar', seitse 'seven', sasi 'pulp', saar 'leg, shin', tee 'way, road', tuul 'wind', vahe-(ta-ma) 'to change', voos 'annual crop', ai 'father-in-law').
(73.) Even in seemingly harmless descriptions such as "Rappen im Wappen" ("Rappen" means both "black horse" and "coin"; "black horse/coin on his coat of arms"), as provided by Fontane, the anti-Jewish content can be deciphered--the Jews as horse traders who are made fun of here, without explicitly being called Jews; cf.
When you tire of shopping you can stop for a midday glass of wine at the Heiliggeiste Stube tavern or the caf-bar of the old Hotel Rappen on the west side of the square.