

(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) formal pertaining to or suitable for a reader
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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They demonstrate readerly engagements, rather than evidence of readers using the playbooks for what Atkin calls 'self-performance'--as scripts.
Our readerly accounts with those famous names are basically settled, but Salinger's remains open; his achievement feels unsettled, incomplete.
Thus, far from being "the other," the vampire represents the "familiar other," a hybrid state of liminality that ruptures binaries, stereotypes, and readerly assumptions.
In his S/Z, Roland Barthes distinguishes between what he calls a readerly text and a writerly text.
It exists in space." And the spectatorial experience of Memory was emphatically readerly, spatial, between.
Literary Visualities: Visual Descriptions, Readerly Visualisations, Textual Visibilities
More witty than morbid, The Dark Flood Rises may not be for everyone, but this wise assessment of aging by one of England's most respected writers deserves our readerly attention.
Because RRGs showcase explicit attention to a text's relationship with its implied reader, RRGs can strengthen the writing center as a site for fostering rhetorically aware readerly practices that promote dexterous genre-, discipline- and audience-aware tutoring and writing.
other." He also writes of readerly interactions with the bodies of