

(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) rare literary someone who produces a recension or recensions
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A mas de uno le causo perplejidad su inclusion en este libro: hace sonreir la anecdota de un recensor despistado, que sin leer el libro reprocho a De Lubac <<el haber puesto a Dostoievski entre los ateos>> (128).
Finally, there is hardly a poem which does not differ from recension to recension, manuscript to manuscript, and, if repeated by the same recensor, from chapter to chapter, even from place to place.
Para este recensor, tan inclinado a perspectivas profesionales y cientificas, este texto resume bien muchos de los anatemas de otras areas de la disciplina.
Closas>> (deberia decir <<Closa>>), todavia viva, gracias a Dios, a sus 95 anos, maestra de Llorenc Gomis en la Escuela Blanquerna (incautada en 1939 por el regimen franquista), merecen el agradecimiento de este recensor (pp.
In some cases, prominent newspapers including The New York Times quickly pulled down government records they published online and recensored them to hide information they accidentally exposed.
would be pulled from circulation and recensored" (Black 181-82).
J regularly consulted his teachers, particularly to solve difficulties and to test the readings of the recensors. Throughout he was faced with two difficulties: an unpointed text in difficult passages, and his polemical need to demonstrate to the Christian world the superiority of the Hebrew over against the LXX.