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vb (tr)
to put (something) into, or provide (something) with, a new or different code
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.recode - put into a different code; rearrange mentally; "People recode and restructure information in order to remember it"
rearrange - put into a new order or arrangement; "Please rearrange these files"; "rearrange the furniture in my room"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
After an article in Recode suggested Walmart is losing $1B per year in its U.S.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has made it his mission to colonize Mars and revealed during a "( Recode Decode" podcast interview in October 2018 that his company is planning to launch a manned spacecraft by 2024. 
Released globally in February 21, the Ultraboost was launched in the Philippines on March 16 through the Recode Running Festival.
Khalifa Takar, Chief Postmaster Islamabad GPO also directed to the staff of Islamabad to weed out all old recode to make Islamabad GPO building neat and clean.
According to Recode , the Snapchat Stories-esqe feature was "quietly rolled out to a beta group of users" who were invites to submit 10-second clips of various travel experiences that they could edit together using the Travel Stories feature.
Summary: Snap is reportedly planning another round of layoffs, and the company's engineering team is expected to take the bulk of the cuts, according to a report by Recode.
A recent report published on the tech news site Recode indicated that two giants from different sectors, retailer Home Depot and global freight transportation and logistics services provider XPO Logistics, may be future teammates, with the report saying that Home Depot "held internal discussions in recent months about a potential acquisition bid for XPO." While neither company commented publicly, Recode said that were Home Depot to make an offer, a key driver of it would be to keep Amazon from scooping up XPO, which has also vetted acquiring XPO, according to a source cited in the report.
In the latest attempt at this type of expansion, the company reportedly presented a bid of $600 million for a five-year deal to stream Indian cricket games, Recode reported.
However, Alexander presented these to Uber CEO, Travis Kalanick and SVP Emil Mechael, Recode reports .
The technology news website Recode cited unnamed sources close to the situation as saying Google will not be among those in the running to buy San Francisco-based Twitter.
Yahoo Inc will disclose details this week of a data breach that compromised the data of several hundred million users, technology news site Recode reported on Thursday, citing unnamed sources familiar with the company's plan.