
(redirected from recorked)


vb (tr)
to put a cork into (a bottle, etc) again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"My wife," he said, as he entered the room, "you were quite right; the olives are rotten, and I have recorked the vase so well that Ali Cogia will never know it has been touched."
This done he recorked the vase and put it in the same place where it had been left by Ali Cogia.
Instead of throwing them in the bin, contact Recorked UK (recorkeduk.
Instead of chucking them in the bin, contact Recorked UK (, which has collection points all over the country.
Since 1991 Penfolds has been providing its singular after-sales service worldwide through its Re-corking Clinics, where collectors of Penfolds red wines bring their bottles at least 15 years old (and older) to have a complimentary 'health checkup.' The wines are assessed by a Penfolds winemaker and, if deemed necessary, opened, tasted, topped up, recorked and recapsuled on the spot.
In the traditional method, or methode champenoise, still wine is refermented in the bottle to carbonate; then expended yeast cells, or lees, are disgorged from the bottle, which is recorked. In the bulk, or charmat, process, still wine is refermented in pressurized tanks, then filtered and bottled.
Each time it's recorked, the Re: Sound Bottle resets and a new remix can be created, Discovery News reported.
The wines had been stored in a cool cellar and had not been moved--nor had any of them been recorked, even though the oldest was 24 years old.
It's the first bottle of whisky that's lasted more than a month in this valley, I can say that!" He heard his wife coming in before he could taste it the third time and he recorked the bottle and put it quickly in the cupboard.
The drinks were poured from a bottle (Goldfish brand) which was recorked and the rest was sold to other customers.
The wine can be stored in the device or removed and recorked, so that multiple bottles can be preserved at once.