

vb (tr)
to decide again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Well-written, clear policy eliminates having to redecide issues already resolved, giving employees a guide for correct action in similar situations.
the future so that we need not redecide such matters again and
It made sense to me too, but I guess I'll have to redecide (sic) my story team now."
"The DOL has pretty clearly said that any time you require participants to make a decision about their investments, or redecide, then you can go through a default process and have a QDIA safe harbor."
9, at 571 ("Our job as an appellate tribunal is to correct mistakes, not to retry the case, not to reconsider the facts, not to redecide credibility."); Nies, supra n.
Yet bifurcating liability from damages where the plaintiffs present more than one theory of liability would require indication in the special verdict of the theory or theories upon which the initial jury relied so that subsequent juries would not redecide the defendant's liability in making their damages determinations.
In the two FCC decisions relied on by Vermont Yankee, the lower courts had ordered the agency to redecide, in essence, a prior decision utilizing different procedural rules.(48) The Court reversed both times.
The Federal Circuit found the court's action improper, given the acknowledgment that BVA had made a legal error, and instructed the veterans court to remand the case to BVA so it (BVA) could apply the law correctly and redecide the case.
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