
(redirected from remaps)
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vb (tr)
1. to map again, to divide into new patterns or districts
2. to relabel or reassign
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With 90 more spacecraft in our constellation, we will be able to deliver weekly, high-resolution remaps of the entire planet at a price that will set a new standard for access and affordability in our market."
Parameters like valve timings, injection quantity, duration & pressure, boost pressure, spark advance, torque, power etc., can be manipulated with the help of remaps. The main objective of performance tuning is about efficient combustion of air-fuel mixture.
Our proposed remapping algorithm remaps the node distance between each node.
QUENTIN SAYS: If your Range Rover is a diesel, you can improve the fuel consumption by as much as 10 per cent by fitting a Diesel Performance Tuning module that remaps the engine management.
A redesigned navigational dial lets users move easily in four directions and remaps keys so up is always up as the user changes orientation.