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vb (tr)
(in digital media) to change the resolution of (a digital image or audio file) by increasing or decreasing the number of pixels in an image or altering the sample rate in an audio file
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Concurrent to the drilling, the Company will resample select historical trenches.
The predictive accuracy of the nomogram was also measured by bootstrap (500 resample) method.
Make CDF of [w.sup.i.sub.t] and For particle numbers i =1: N Draw [u.sub.i] = U(0,1) Resample [x.sup.~i.sub.t] = CDF([u.sub.i]) END FOR Step 5.
Given the background and the superob wind field, we can resample the superob wind back to the original wind field scale.
[mathematical expression not reproducible] (1) for j =1: [N.sub.p] do (2) Draw: [x.sup.(j).sub.k] ~ q([x.sup.(j).sub.k] | [x.sup.(j).sub.k-1], [z.sub.k]); (3) Calculate: [[??].sup.*(j).sub.k] according to (4); (4) Calculate: [mathematical expression not reproducible]; (5) for j = 1: [N.sub.p] do (6) Normalize: [mathematical expression not reproducible]; (7) Calculate ln([N.sub.eff]) according to Table 1; (8) if ln([N.sub.eff]) < ln([N.sub.thr]) then (9) Resample with Algorithm 4: Obtaining [mathematical expression not reproducible]; Algorithm 4: Resampling in log-domain.
In order to remove unlikely locations and not to remove good choices wrongly in case of a temporary fading, we adopt a fitness proportional selection as resample algorithm.
Drizzle and Resample are output options in the program to upscale your images.
which [X.sub.ij] denotes the resample characteristics of the audio signal; H here is a function of high-pass filtering.
Resample Where [X.sub.threshold] is the threshold of the number of peffective particle, if the [N.sub.effi] of a local filter lower than [X.sub.threshold], this local filter should be resample.