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the area situated on the outer edges of a region
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In geopolitics, North America embodies preponderantly a maritime orientation, its placement almost dictating this environmental designation: (1) its vast and passable internal and coastal barge traffic ways; (2) its coastal and river deep-water ports on Atlantic, Pacific, Great Lakes, and Mexican Gulf coasts; (3) its frontiers facing no threats; (4) its navy balancing on the fringes of Eurasia, billeted in rimland areas of vital interest; and (5) its military able to manipulate a divisive Eurasian checkerboard.
USA fears that its containment inspired geostrategy is coming to an end and the old Baghdad Pact Rimland is about to reverse its direction.
(3) This grand, global analysis was developed further by later scholars of realist geopolitics such as Nicholas Spykman, who coined the term rimland for those areas on the maritime fringes.
Quanto a isso, cabe destacar a relevancia do livro Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implication for a Neural Theory of Behavior, de autoria do psicologo Bernard Rimland, pai de uma crianca autista.
Embora estudos recentes tenham demonstrado que intervencoes com atividades fisicas melhoram a taxa de quedas e o equilibrio (Rimland e colaboradores, 2016; Tomicki e colaboradores, 2016), poucas pesquisas foram realizadas com idosos participantes de atividades em centros do SCFV, especialmente na regiao nordeste.
As such, Claire and her unique products gained the attention and respect of a number of prestigious complementary medicine proponents including: Theron Randolph, MD, Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, Bernard Rimland, PhD, and William Crook, MD.
The section ends with a brief discussion of the main "Rimland seas" in the region, including the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Red Sea.
That strategy is based on what they call the "rimland imperative"--the notion that U.S.
These are: 1) the importance of location (the larger the island or continental rimland, the easier it is to evacuate); 2) social order or disorder (the possible breakdown of social order after a natural disaster and the varied development of community "solidarities" and humanitarian responses influence the actions of authorities and the public); and 3) the role of government (the varying approaches to response and the governments' underlying economic ideologies, with some discussion of marketdriven neoliberal responses).
Since April of 2015, Rimland has served as president and chief financial officer at AdCare.
He said that 'whoever controlled the Rimland rules Eurasia; whoever rules Eurasia controls the destinies of the world'.
Task Force Rimland will be led by Chief Superintendent Allen Bantolo, District Regional Director for Operations of NCRPO, and assisted by Senior Superintendent Marcelo Morales, Battalion Commander of Regional Public Safety Battalion of NCRPO.