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1. A natural mass or pile of rocks.
2. Stonework imitating the irregular surface of natural rock.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a type of stonework which is designed to imitate the irregularity of natural rock for decorative purposes
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
So I went along by the side of it, and came to a corner and a rockwork that enabled me to get to the top, and tumble into the garden I coveted.
The carriages that drove up to the door were compelled to turn, to avoid a fountain that played in a basin of rockwork, -- an ornament that had excited the jealousy of the whole quarter, and had gained for the place the appellation of "The Little Versailles." It is needless to add that there were gold and silver fish in the basin.
Aspen Creations completed supply and installation of 25,000 m2 of themed facades; 25,000 m2 of artificial rockwork; thousands of static and animated props; custom-made artificial foliage; themed signage and flooring.
Even guests with little or no previous experience will be able to scuba dive or snorkel through a giant megalodon jaw, pass through stunning coral and rockwork theming and into a maze of flooded compartments in a simulated ship wreck.
A $1,056,203 demolition permit is also under review for the complete demolition of the West Bear Grottos holding building and associated habitats, rockwork, pools and underground tunnels; the applicant and contractor are the same.
The pair, a lion and a lioness, had been placed in an area formerly occupied by seals in a corner featuring a hollow within the arrangement of natural rockwork, surmounted by strong iron railings.
Reportedly, this work will mainly involve rockwork for port areas and a rail connection on behalf of the Ports of Stockholm.
Scenario VPD is a subsidiary of KHS/S Contractors, an international design-assist specialty subcontractor that creates spectacular interiors, exteriors, prefabricated building components, themed environments, rockwork, water features and specialty finishes for some of the most recognized projects in the world.
e Rococo rejected classical symmetry and straight lines in favour of asymmetry and curves of every kind, be they C and S scrolls, or naturalistic motifs such as shells and rockwork.
The park has also installed shades, high rockwork and grottos in order to minimise direct sunlight on the pools surfaces to significantly reduce high evaporation rates.
Olson will be responsible for securing commercial design and construction opportunities for OTL, which creates of one-of-a-kind water features, rockwork and themed environments.
Shades, high rockwork and grottos have been installed to minimise the direct sunlight on the pool surface, helping to significantly reduce evaporation rates.