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lacking a rod or rods
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Rodless cylinders are linear equipment or devices that use pressurized fluid to shift or move load within power transfer processes or operations.
Summary: Rodless cylinders are linear equipment or devices that use pressurized fluid to shift or move load within power transfer processes or operations.
Wu and colleagues used this technique to determine the causative variant for the RP phenotype found in the "rodless" (rd1) mouse model.
Its combination and integration of magnetically coupled rodless cylinders with linear bearings (for movements of the squeeze platen, cope flask, sand measuring hopper and other components) are an industry first.
A new rodless oil well pump has been proposed with the development of the submersible linear motor [1].
Where space is at a premium and there are potential loading and alignment problems, a variety of rodless cylinder designs are available.
By Tines-up' at 18:00 hours there were only seven qualifying tigerfish of 500mm recorded and the one tiger of 320mm caught by Seamus Power (Team 'Rodless')--that went on to win the Longest Tiger on Fly category--no mean feat in the gusting wind.
Chernus, Mathematical Model of a Strength Part of a Push Type Single-Acting Rodless Pneumatic Cylinder, Mechatronics, Automation, Control, No.9, 2014, pp.