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(Complementary Medicine) a masseur who uses the techniques of rolfing
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She has "an herbalist, a Reiki master, a Rolfer, a speech therapist, a movement therapist, an art therapist, and a therapist....
The Rolfer was a Buddhist, and through our meandering chats, I found myself drawn again to the breath, in a very serious but inconsistent kind of way.
A staff comprising of 12 expert physiotherapists, 1 physiotherapy assistant, 1 RMT, 1 rolfer, 1 Pilates instructor, 1 Yoga instructor, 1 kinesiologist, 3 acupuncturists, and 4 certified IMS practitioners, make up the Burrard Physiotherapy team and they are able to offer more services than you will find anywhere else.
In this book for bodywork and manual therapy practitioners from any discipline, Karrasch, a certified Rolfer and LMT, describes physical, emotional, and energetic techniques for unblocking emotional pain in the body and restoring the flow of energy.
"This rogue massage therapist uses some new kind of deep fascial release on the hamstrings that nobody else has ever heard of, a rolfer gone off on his own.
Brad Jones, a Bellingham-based certified advanced Rolfer, works with his hands, fingers, elbows and knuckles to provide a specific type of massage to improve structural integration.
The author is a physical education teacher at a Waldorf school, and he is a certified Rolfer, nutritional consultant, and spiritual practitioner.
"Occasionally people think it's a feel-good backrub," says certified Denver Rolfer Delbert Dorn.
He was also a teacher, a full-time Rolfer and, after he moved to Sarasota in 1972, he says he flew all over the country as a "therapists' therapist." He is married to Jaime Wallace, a Sarasota attorney practicing family law, and has no children.
Ginoulhac took over the vineyard a number of years ago after leaving his practice as a Rolfer in Toulouse.
The client then lies on a cushioned surface while the rolfer uses fingers, knuckles and an occasional elbow to assist in moving and repositioning tissue.
I switched from cold cereal to organic oatmeal with fruit, whey powder, and flax meal most mornings for breakfast, alternating with farm-fresh eggs from our rolfer's chickens.