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n. pl. rollmops
A marinated fillet of herring wrapped around a pickle or an onion and served as an hors d'oeuvre.

[German : rollen, to roll (from Middle High German, from Old French roler; see roll) + Mops, blockhead, pug dog (from Low German; akin to Dutch moppen, to make a sour face).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.rollmops - a pickled herring filet that has been rolled or wrapped around a pickle
hors d'oeuvre - a dish served as an appetizer before the main meal
pickled herring - herring preserved in a pickling liquid (usually brine or vinegar)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
I have also used it to replace herring when making rollmops. To make sardines, cut off heads and tails, rinse in brine, simmer gently in olive (or corn) oil, spices, and tomato paste (optional).
Now through April 19, Friday seafood specials include a $5 half-liter with the purchase of a fish fry meal; salmon burger served on a pretzel bun; oven-baked flounder with ratatouille and rice; German rollmops (pickled herring filets with German potatoes and yogurt sauce); trout "Miller style" with parsley potatoes; seafood stuffed filets (white fish stuffed with crab); and salmon meatball with Dijon lemon sauce and wild rice.
27 26 18 20 22 21 24 A Danny DeVito B Jack Nicholson C Arnold Schwarzenegger D Christopher Lloyd QUESTION 12 - for 12 points: Which fish are used to make rollmops? A Mackerel B Sprats C Herring D Haddock QUESTION 13 - for 13 points: Where is the current base of the Red Arrows aerobatic team?
Just as "instinctive" was the response to rock'n'roll foregrounded by the release of parodies like the Boris Vian-Henri Salvador collaborations in France with "Rock and Rollmops" and "Va t'faire cuire un oeuf, man," and Renato Carosone's "Tu vuo fa l'Americano" in Italy.
e Who requested 100 large clean bath towels, along with an urn of organic chicken and vegetable soup, organic anchovies and rollmops and power to run hairdryers and an iron when they played in Liverpool.
30 31 called?A Holt B Drey C Form D Sett QUESTION 4 - for 4 points: What is the title of Ricky Gerv ais's comedydrama QUESTION 12 - for 12 points: Which fish are used to make rollmops? A Mackerel B Sprats C Herring D Haddock ACROSS DOWN 1.
THE BILL Laverballs with sauce - PS4.50 Seafood salad - PS8oz ribeye - PS12.95 6oz Zanzibar burger and bacon - PS7.95 Sticky toffee Cheesecake -PS2 x Peroni - PS7 My seafood salad was packed with prawns and mussels and had the strong, dill-heavy taste of pickled rollmops - one of my favourites, but not for everyone.
Germans believe rollmops: raw, pickled herring wrapped around pieces of gherkin and onion- help cure hangover.
Which fish is used to make kippers, bloaters century, controlled most of Asia Minor until Amy Adams - see Question 9 and rollmops? World War I?
SAINT: Herring rollmops with onion, Asda, 137 cals per 100g.