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 (rŏs′trəl, rô′strəl)
1. Anatomy At, near, or toward the head, especially the front of the head: the rostral prefrontal cortex.
2. Of or relating to a rostrum.

ros′tral·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Biology) biology of or like a beak or snout
2. adorned with the prows of ships: a rostral column.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


a. rostral, rel. o semejante a un rostro.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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In camel and in contrast to the situation in other ruminants, brain receives its blood supply from two sources: the proximal segment of the internal carotid arteries, which is formed from the rostral epidural rete mirabile and the basilar and cerebrospinal arteries which are considerable size, indicating the flow of blood towards the cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) (Kanan, 1970; Smuts & Bezuidenhout, 1987; Ocal et al., 1999).
Earlier studies have concluded that cardiovascular regions in the central nervous system (CNS) such as rostral ventrolateral medulla (rVLM), and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) are activated during stimulation of visceral spinal afferents that leads to an increase in the blood pressure.
The macroscopic histological features of NCM have been described as thickening of the leptomeninges by infiltrative tumour cells with predilection for the basal surface of the brain as well as the rostral portion of the brain stem.
(1,2) Thalamoperforators arise off the posterior cerebral arteries to supply the paramedian region of the thalamus bilaterally and extend to supply a portion of the rostral midbrain.
Treatment and outcome: Palatine bone displacement was reduced, and surgical fixation was achieved with an interfragmentary wire inserted through the rostral aspect of the affected palatine bone, maxilla, and rhinotheca.
The same region presents a rostral protuberance of the frontal bone (Frontal Protuberance - PF - Figures.
An ovoid and oblong carapace (dorsal view) folded on itself, same the rostral spine and the future reared spines that here are present as fat digital tentacles (280 p length), at the end of the carapace.
Las fracturas de mandibula en caballos son a menudo frecuentes, esto debido a la poca proteccion que brindan los tejidos blandos en la porcion rostral y ventral de la misma, lo que la hace susceptible a traumatismos en actividades atleticas, condiciones de manejo o temperamento (1), asi mismo por extraccion dental, estereotipias donde se atrapa la mandibula y los animales intentan retirarla de forma brusca, aunque el riesgo de fractura depende de la configuracion osea mandibular y edad del animal (2), lo que limita o impide la asimilacion y trituracion de los alimentos pudiendo llevar a grados variables de morbilidades debido a la inapetencia o la anorexia ocasionadas por el desalineamiento dental y el dolor (3).
Brain imaging performed when the children were between 6 and 10 years old revealed abnormalities in the thickness of the brain cortex of the precuneus and rostral middle frontal region.
Cranial magnetic resonance imaging showed diffusion restriction in the left paramedian rostral pons (Figure 1).
In an initial study, we obtained preliminary evidence that [AAV2.1-CNTF.sup.mCherry] transduced large numbers of neurons in the sensorimotor cortex containing CSNs projecting into the spinal cord, and after moderate thoracic T10 contusion SCI there was clear and consistent sprouting of mCherry-labelled CST axons at, and rostral to, the lesion site [2].