

having little wrinkles
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The testa of Eriotheca vargasii had a rugulose, scarcely wrinkled surface.
Propodeum rugulose costate with median propodeal carina present and some diverging wrinkles laterally.
subfastigiatus is characterized by its simple, subcylindric, clavate or broadly clavate basidiomata, smooth, becoming longitudinally rugose to rugulose, initially gray-red, dull red fading to salmon, gray-orange, apex obtuse or broadly rounded, often irregularly so, smooth, slowly pale brown to brown (Methven, 1990).
Thorax arched, sparsely pubescent, finely rugulose; prothorax convex, roof-shaped, descending, with two foveal impression on each lateral side; prescutum broader than long, broadest posterior to center, narrower anteriorly, angulate laterally and on posterior margin; scutum much broader than long, slilghtly shorter than prescutum, weakly depressed dorso-medianally, angulate laterally, posterior margin weakly invaginated along scutellum; scutellum trapezoid, broad anteriorly and narrow posteriorl, about twice as broad as long.
In females to a variable degree granulose, rugulose or tuberculose and [+ or -] roundly raised medially, mostly with a [+ or -] distinct median protuberance or cluster of spines; lateral margins may be longitudinally carinae, slightly expanded and tuberculose.
Ventral surface of thorax with shallow, broad depressed band along midline, becoming slightly rugulose at base of mesonotum (Fig.
Pseudostipe 54-105 X 8-21 mm, cylindrical to slightly fusiform, color pastel red (8A4) above to pink (12A3) towards the base, hollow, consistency spongy and surface slightly rugulose or reticulate.
0.8 cm in diameter, green, glabrescent, rugulose, mostly naked; scape bracts one near the base and few involucrate ones at apex, suboblong, acuminate, suberect to spreading toward the apex, green or sometimes slightly reddish at extreme apex and along the apical margins, inconspicuously and sparsely white-lepidote toward the apex, the upper ones exceeding the petals, ca.