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adj. scant·er, scant·est
1. Barely sufficient: paid scant attention to the lecture.
2. Falling short of a specific measure: a scant cup of sugar.
3. Inadequately supplied; short: We were scant of breath after the lengthy climb.
tr.v. scant·ed, scant·ing, scants
1. To give an inadequate portion or allowance to: had to scant the older children in order to nourish the newborn.
2. To limit, as in amount or share; stint: Our leisure time is scanted by this demanding job.
3. To deal with or treat inadequately or neglectfully; slight.

[Middle English, from Old Norse skamt, neuter of skammr, short.]

scant′ly adv.
scant′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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By the road, Baywater was six miles away, but there was a short cut across hills and fields and woods which was scantly three.
Dimmesdale's church, and the young virgins who so idolized their minister, and had made a shrine for him in their white bosoms, which now, by-the-bye, in their hurry and confusion, they would scantly have given themselves time to cover with their kerchiefs.
Peter Lawrence cited in his ethnography the Ngaing's taciturn version of the beginning of the world and their scantly elaborated conceptions of Barambik (the central creative power) to support his view that Ngaing society had a static socioeconomic order and epistemological orientation (Lawrence 1965:203-204, 219-220).
One equity buyer we work with looks specifically for scantly capitalized companies with sagging profits that they can shore up and ready for powerhouse positioning.
The accusation that the encyclopedia offers a more representative treatment of Western monasticism than the other traditions is inevitable but not conclusive, considering the large diversity of Christian orders, many of which are not included and some only scantly. As this author has seen it, though anecdotally, the global distribution of disciplines that study Western Christianity approximates the disciplinary structure of monastic studies in this one tradition.
It was scantly and weakly positive for vimentin and AE1/AE3, and it was negative for S100-related antigen.
On the whole Ducrey's frame of reference tips more towards 1900 than to 1920-30, pointing up the fact that it is precisely modern and contemporary dance writing which is scantly served in Ecrire la danse.
This piece, hardly larger than an illumination in a Book of Hours, yet painted whilst Annibale was covering the walls of the Farnese Gallery with the triumphs of the classical gods, amply and scantly proves the diversity of his genius.
It is one thing to be entertained by a fictional monster, but quite another thing to spend two-hundred hours with a real one, separated only scantly by the writer's death in 1922 that left him at large in those potent sentences.
Yes, along with the aphrodisiac of power, a phenomenon scantly mentioned, though it lies beneath the surface all through Scott's account.
There is no question as to whether the NATO campaign has worsened the plight of the Kosovars, which in any case is scantly reported: Albanians and Serbs alike appear as victims of the West.
After his squire has sung Constance's favorite song at the Scottish inn, Scott tells us that Marmion is filled with pride; his "soul could scantly brook, / Even from his king, a haughty look" (III, XIV, 202-01).