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A chitinous or calcareous plate or similar part of an invertebrate, especially one of the hard outer plates forming part of the exoskeleton of an arthropod.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Zoology) any of the hard chitinous plates that make up the exoskeleton of an arthropod
2. (Zoology) any calcareous or chitinous part, such as a spicule or plate
[C19: from sclero- + -ite1]
scleritic adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈsklɪər aɪt, ˈsklɛr-)

Zool. any chitinous or calcareous hard plate, spicule, or the like.
scle•rit•ic (sklɪˈrɪt ɪk) adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.sclerite - hard plate or element of the exoskeleton of some arthropods
arthropod - invertebrate having jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin
protective covering - the tough natural covering of some organisms
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Thorax: Cervical sclerite convex and dull, with lateral indentation and small anterolateral vertical carina; proepisternum with a few long, marginal ventral setae on posterior 1/2; katepisternum with double row of thin black setae, anterior row 1/2 as high as posterior row; scutellum with 1 pair of marginal setae and 2 small dorsal setae; no setae between postalar and dorsocentral setae; fore tarsus 1.3x length of remaining tarsomeres combined.
Dorsal anchor: inner length 37 (35-38; n=8) recurved point 5 (3-6; n= 10) long, Patch 27 (25-29; n=10), Dorsal connective bar, 31(25-33; n=10)long, Ventral bar, 29 (26-30; n=10) long, Ventral anchor inner length 15 (13-16; n=10) long; ventral anchor outer length; 22 (20-25; n=10) long, recurved point; 19 (17-20; n=10) long, Onchium 20 (18-22; n=10) long, Sclerite, 10 (8-13; n=10) long.
Morphology as well as diagnostic and functional significance of some structures (antennal sclerite, pronotal process, evaporatorial system, abdominal laterotergites, forewing venation, femoral spine, female terminalia) are discussed.
Abbreviations used in the text are: AAM--anterior atrial margin; AME-anterior median eyes; ALE--anterior lateral eyes; AS--atrial septum; C-conductor; CD--copulatory duct; CDA--conductor dorsal apophysis; CL--conductor basal lamella; CY--cymbial furrow; E--embolus; EB--embolic base; EH-epigynal hood; ET--epigynal tooth; FD--fertilization duct; LAM--lateral atrial margin; LTA-lateral tibial apophysis; MA--median apophysis; PA-patellar apophysis; PAM-posterior atrial margin; PLE--posterior lateral eyes; PME-posterior median eyes; RTA--retrolateral tibial apophysis; S--spermathecae; SB--spermathecal base; SS--spermathecal stalk; SH--spermathecal head; ST--subtegulum; T--tegulum; TS--tegular sclerite.
Measurement of either mouth hooks or the pharyngeal sclerite showed clear separation between adjacent instars of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae) (Petitt 1990).
The arch sclerite is large and its connection with the paired dorsal aedeagal valves very clear.
However, as first pointed out by Hennig (1976), some anthomyiid genera differ by having a small sclerite inserted at the articulations between the surstyli and epandrium.
Leprocapsus is also distinct among other genera of the Bothriomirini by the shape of the endosoma, with the DSS sclerite elongate and curved apically, the MES broad and slightly sinuate laterally, apically distinctly curved and sharply pointed, and the PES relatively small, hook-shaped (Fig.
The Metopiinae is a medium-sized cosmopolitan subfamily of Ichneumonidae with members distinguished by having the lower face and clypeus confluent and not separated by an impressed groove; most species possess a shelf-like protuberance below the antennal insertion and having the pronotum laterally concave and rather broadly rounded posteriorly, broadly occluding the spiracular sclerite. They are small to large, often blackish, brownish or occasionally aposematic, yellow and black-banded.
Male pedipalp: CY = cymbium, DMS = distomedial sclerite of the embolic division, E = embolus, MES = medioectal sclerite of the embolic division, PA = pedipalpal patella, PBL = paracymbial basal lobe, PC = paracymbium, PML = paracymbial medial lobe, ST = subtegulum, TE = tegulum, TI = pedipalpal tibia, TR = trichobothria of the male pedipalpal tibia, TSD = tegular sperm duct.
The sclerite content was obtained by placing the colonies in 50-ml tubes containing 0.25 N NaOH, following the work of Alonso (1979).