
Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms.


v. scowled, scowl·ing, scowls
To wrinkle or contract the brow as an expression of anger or disapproval. See Synonyms at frown.
To express (displeasure, for example) with a frowning facial expression.
A look of anger or frowning disapproval.

[Middle English scoulen, probably of Scandinavian origin.]

scowl′er n.
scowl′ing·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a person who scowls
2. dialect Northern English a hooligan
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Simon Leyland, chief executive of Maxwell Hodge with his Woolton team, Carol Head, Denise Scowler , Lisa Neary, Norma Cummins and Natalie Alcock GARETH JONES
Furrington, wise Jesus, and the bloodthirsty Scowler.
If Arjun's young mechanic is a deceptive scowler, Dimple's regal aura exposes a highly flawed side to her persona at one point.
Bulldust is the leader of a herd of herbivorous Pachyrhinosaurus, who must impose his authority on younger rivals while keeping an eye on his newly hatched brood, including Scowler (voiced by Skyler Stone) and his weakling brother Patchi (Justin Long).
BULLDUST is the leader of a herd of herbivorous Pachyrhinosaurus, who must keep an eye on his newlyhatched brood including Scowler (voiced by Skyler Stone) and his weakling brother Patchi (Justin Long).
Rating: WALKING WITH DINOSAURS: THE MOVIE (U) BULLDUST is the leader of a herd of herbivorous Pachyrhinosaurus, who must impose his authority on younger rivals while keeping an eye on his newly hatched brood including Scowler (voiced by Skyler Stone) and his weakling brother Patchi (Justin Long).
BULLDUST is the leader of a herd of herbivorous Pachyrhinosaurus, who must keep an eye on his newly-hatched brood including Scowler (voiced by Skyler Stone) and his weakling brother Patchi (Justin Long).
WALKING WITH DINOSAURS: THE MOVIE (U) BULLDUST is the leader of a herd of herbivorous Pachyrhinosaurus, who must keep an eye on his newly-hatched brood including Scowler (voiced by Skyler Stone) and his weakling brother Patchi (Justin Long).
Cineworld& VUE BULLDUST is the leader of a herd of herbivorous Pachyrhinosaurus, who must keep an eye on his newly-hatched brood including Scowler (voiced by Skyler Stone) and his weakling brother Patchi (Justin Long).
Despite the bullying of Patchi's big brother Scowler, who wants to succeed his father as the leader of the herd and steal his girl, Juniper, Patchi does not hate him.