

1. (Theatre) a person who writes scripts for films, plays, or television dramas
2. (Film) a person who writes scripts for films, plays, or television dramas
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Todd is right,” said Remarkable, “and has Scripter for what he says.
Jonathan Kasdan, the son of 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' scripter Lawrence Kasdan, will be the new writer for Steven Spielberg directed next Indiana Jones project.
The scripter writer of the film is Maksud Garaysha, director-producer Babek Shirintifet, production operator- Rafig Guliyev, designers Rafig Nasirov, Arif Niftiyev, composer Firudin Allahverdi.
Despite the assiduous grinding of plot mechanics by William Brent Bell ("The Devil Inside") and scripter Stacey Menear, the movie never fully distracts its audience from the inherent silliness of its premise--a young woman is hired by an elderly couple as a nanny for a life-sized doll --and, as a result, is more likely to elicit laughs and rude remarks than screams and rooting interest.
"Whether it's in a law or new regulations to inform parents of their rights, we believe parent participation needs to be ongoing," Patty Scripter, the PTA's director of legislation says, "and we need parents to be involved past the petition process."
At the 2009 Green Wine Summit, Jay Scripter, O-I's VP of sustainability, detailed the company's Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which provides a complete picture of the carbon footprint of glass containers and comparison with alternative packaging materials.
Terence Burns, programmer, previously worked as a mission scripter at Ubisoft|Reflections.
But then as Drillbit Taylor originates from the safe-hands team of producer Judd Aptow (who directed Knocked Up) and Seth Rogan (star of Knocked Up and scripter of Superbad) it should all come as no real surprise.
Each scripter writes all the twenty eight arabe characters.
Writer Steven Moffat - tipped to take over from lead scripter Russell T Davies next year - says: "The James Nesbitt story is a total fabrication.
In a newly expanded and redesigned edition, "How To Create Comics: From Script To Print" by magazine editor and 'Spider-Man' scripter Danny Fingeroth and 'Draw!" magazine editor and 'Batman' artist Mike Manley have collaboratively worked out a complete 'how-to' book for aspiring artists wanting to create a new comic complete with original characters, then going from script and roughs to pencils, inks, colors, and lettering.
The University of Southern California's Scripter Award has been won by P.D.