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(Nautical Terms) a canvas bag, closed by a line threaded through grommets at the top, used by a seaman for his belongings
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.seabag - a cylindrical drawstring bag used by sailors to hold their clothing and other gear
drawstring bag - a bag that is closed at the top with a drawstring
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Chartered by Coast Guard Headquarters, the Base Boston C4IT Department conducted an Information Technology (IT) Seabag pilot study.
When the bus pulled out of the darkened alley, I was left standing alone in the chilly, diesel-fouled night, my only luggage, my seabag, next to me.
AQUICK peck on the cheek as Ma wished me "Goodbye and take care" and humping my seabag I made my way through the early morning rain to Seaforth Station, the northern terminus of the old Overhead Railway, many years ago.
Emotional subtext aside, the literal task of "Nonessential Equipment" is making the sailor as buoyant as possible: "The seabag must be light enough to sling / across his shoulder, weigh almost nothing," the speaker explains, "each canvas pocket emptied of regret." Inevitably, Dubrow's spouse must discard not only his civilian clothes, but also his wedding ring--an act that pushes the sonnet toward its grave and final turn.
And I may have been the only sailor who came home without a seabag. I lost mine on a train ride back from San Francisco.
When Rolf came up shouldering his seabag he always dropped off at his sister's, he stood an instant watching.
I saw my neatly pressed cammies hanging on the doorknob, and my packed seabag was next to the dresser.
My earliest childhood memories include methodically organizing all my possessions into a modified ]Marine field pack and a Navy seabag, I guess that doesn't sound very "mainstream," but my family's life wasn't very mainstream, moving all 'round the Western Pacific and Asia on skoshie-short notice.
Many service members serving at Fleet Activities Yokosuka arrive in Japan with only a seabag, but few leave the same way.
She was carrying an old seabag, and after I'd slammed the brakes we made eye contact.
A seabag is a large, cylindrical canvas duffle bag that sailors use to transport personal belongings.