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a.1.Having no seat.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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After being wowed by the graceful trapeze act, my favourite became the steampunky unicyclist - who mainly operates with seatless wheels.
The only way in was to cross the Tigris River from Iraq in a shaky, seatless motorboat.
The seatless audience was encouraged to wander around the 'stage' (stalked by the chorus in its gallery inspired face paint and costumery), but after less than an hour of this closer-to-two-hour piece, my mind began to wander, despite the often stimulating sounds made by Hertzberg's five piece chamber ensemble.
At the entrance to the gallery's library, Hartmann's small oil Stuhl auf Mann, Mann auf Fabrrad (Chair on Man, Man on Bike) provided another image of the inverted human: His landscape a white blur, this man pedals distinctly away, bike basket empty, with a seatless chair stowed, legs up, over his head.