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Caviar made from the roe of a sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) of the Caspian and Black Seas, having small grains and a gray color.

[Russian sevryuga, from Tatar söirök.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Animals) a species of sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus, native to the Caspian Sea
2. (Cookery) caviar made from the roe of sevruga sturgeon
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Inspired by a modern twist on French cuisine, the menu has a selection of sturgeon caviar including Huso, Acipenser Baerii, Russian Oscietra and Sevruga. Signature dishes on the menu are the 24-karat Gold Almas caviar topped with 24-karat gold flakes, Tsar Alexei salmon flower with white sturgeon caviar vinaigrette, red carabinero tartare with salmon caviar and the locally-inspired dessert caviar aux datte.
Sevruga, Sterlet and Ossetra are all types of which delicacy?
Bodu Hithi will soon be serving up an all-organic menu, a special wellness menu to Spa guests, and even its own label of French Caviar, including three varieties: Oscietra Caviar, Beluga Caviar and Sevruga Caviar.
The term "Caviar" refers to unfertilized salt-cured eggs harvested exclusively from one of the twenty-five different species of sturgeon, most-commonly including White Sturgeon, Ossetra, Sevruga and Beluga.
It has the most extensive menu of caviar in the city including Beluga (hence the name), Ossetra, Sevruga and Sterlet, as well as Russian and international-style dishes.
Having stumped me with that question, my prankster mate Barney who is sipping coffee with me this bleak morning asks if I've heard the word 'sevruga'.
Some of the dishes highlighted during this celebration will be Snail Snaps - individually wrapped escargot poppers, Poached Aquagrill Oysters with Truffle Crab and Sevruga Caviar as well as Roasted Barramundi with Braised Short Ribs and Mascarpone Polenta.
The four main types of caviar are Beluga, Ster-let, Ossetra and Sevruga. The sterlet is the rarest form of caviar which was once reserved for Russian, Persian and Austrian royalty.
1 tsp beluga, osetra or sevruga caviar, or salmon roe
Unknown to them, in addition to three famous contenders (we didn't tell them the names, but they were Sevruga, Kaluga, and Karat) we had added a dark horse--our own Mote Marine Laboratory's caviar, from sturgeon raised right here in town.
LONDON IVY Established 1917 Location West Street, near Covent Garden, London's West End Celebrity diners George Clooney Madonna Menu choice Starter: Sevruga caviar 30g PS80 Mains: Thai-baked sea bass with kiwami soy, bonito and mirin dressing, PS26.75 iced Pud: Scandinavian with hot white berries chocolate sauce PS7.75 Page 15 GLASGOW IVY (now Distill) Established 2005 Location Argyle Street, Glasgow Celebrity diners Mogwai Scarlett Johansson Menu choice Starter: any two north African mezze dishes for PS5 Mains: Vietnamese Pulled Pork Sandwich + homemade burger and chips (two meals for PS10) Pudding: Sticky Toffee Pudding PS4.75