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 (shôrt′līvd′, -lĭvd′)
Living or lasting only a short time; ephemeral.

Usage Note: The pronunciation (-līvd) is etymologically correct since the compound is derived from the noun life, rather than from the verb live. But the pronunciation (-lĭvd) is by now so common that it cannot be considered an error. In our 2005 survey, 90 percent of the Usage Panel found (-lĭvd) acceptable and 75 percent found (-līvd) acceptable.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


living or lasting only for a short time
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(laɪvd, lɪvd)

living or lasting only a little while.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.short-lived - lasting a very short time; "the ephemeral joys of childhood"; "a passing fancy"; "youth's transient beauty"; "love is transitory but it is eternal"; "fugacious blossoms"
impermanent, temporary - not permanent; not lasting; "politics is an impermanent factor of life"- James Thurber; "impermanent palm cottages"; "a temperary arrangement"; "temporary housing"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


adjective brief, short, temporary, fleeting, passing, transient, ephemeral, transitory, impermanent Any hope that the speech would end the war was short-lived.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[ˈʃɔːtˈlɪvd] ADJ [happiness] → efímero
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈʃɔːtˌlɪvd] adj (fig) → di breve durata, effimero/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ʃoːt) adjective
1. not long. You look nice with your hair short; Do you think my dress is too short?
2. not tall; smaller than usual. a short man.
3. not lasting long; brief. a short film; in a very short time; I've a very short memory for details.
4. not as much as it should be. When I checked my change, I found it was 20 cents short.
5. (with of) not having enough (money etc). Most of us are short of money these days.
6. (of pastry) made so that it is crisp and crumbles easily.
1. suddenly; abruptly. He stopped short when he saw me.
2. not as far as intended. The shot fell short.
ˈshortness noun
ˈshortage (-tidʒ) noun
a lack; the state of not having enough. a shortage of water.
ˈshorten verb
to make or become shorter. The dress is too long – we'll have to shorten it.
ˈshortening noun
(especially American) the fat used for making pastry.
ˈshortly adverb
soon. He will be here shortly; Shortly after that, the police arrived.
shorts noun plural
short trousers for men or women.
ˈshortbread noun
a kind of crisp, crumbling biscuit.
ˌshort-ˈchange verb
to cheat (a buyer) by giving him too little change.
short circuit the missing out by an electric current of a part of an electrical circuit (verb ˌshort-ˈcircuit)
ˈshortcoming noun
a fault.
ˈshortcut noun
a quicker way between two places. I'm in a hurry – I'll take a shortcut across the field.
ˈshorthand noun
a method of writing rapidly, using strokes, dots etc to represent sounds.
ˌshort-ˈhanded adjective
having fewer workers than are necessary or usual.
ˈshort-list noun
a list of candidates selected from the total number of applicants for a job etc.
to put on a short-list. We've short-listed three of the twenty applicants.
ˌshort-ˈlived (-ˈlivd) , ((American) -ˈlaivd) adjective
living or lasting only for a short time. short-lived insects; short-lived enthusiasm.
ˌshort-ˈrange adjective
1. not reaching a long distance. short-range missiles.
2. not covering a long time. a short-range weather forecast.
ˌshort-ˈsighted adjective
seeing clearly only things that are near. I don't recognize people at a distance because I'm short-sighted.
ˌshort-ˈsightedly adverb
ˌshort-ˈsightedness noun
ˌshort-ˈtempered adjective
easily made angry. My husband is very short-tempered in the mornings.
ˌshort-ˈterm adjective
1. concerned only with the near future. short-term plans.
2. lasting only a short time. a short-term loan.
by a short head
by a very small amount. to win by a short head.
for short
as an abbreviation. His name is Victor, but we call him Vic for short.
go short
to cause oneself not to have enough of something. Save this carton for tomorrow, or else we'll go short (of milk).
in short
in a few words.
in short supply
not available in sufficient quantity. Fresh vegetables are in short supply.
make short work of
to dispose of very quickly. The children made short work of the ice-cream.
run short
1. (of a supply) to become insufficient. Our money is running short.
2. (with of) not to have enough. We're running short of money.
short and sweet
His reply was short and sweet: `Get out!' he shouted.
short for
an abbreviation of. `Phone' is short for `telephone'; What is `Ltd.' short for?
short of
not as far as or as much as. Our total came to just short of $1,000; We stopped five miles short of London.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
* The annals of this short-lived era of despair make bloody reading.
Short-lived then was the joy of these poor people; for Mr Allworthy the next morning declared he had fresh reason, without assigning it, for his anger, and strictly forbad Tom to mention George any more: though as for his family, he said he would endeavour to keep them from starving; but as to the fellow himself, he would leave him to the laws, which nothing could keep him from breaking.
My exultation was short-lived, however, for scarcely had I gained a secure seat upon the sill than a huge hand grasped me by the neck from behind and dragged me violently into the room.
His embarrassment was short-lived, and was relieved from a most unexpected source.
She could do justice to the superiority of Lady Russell's motives in this, over those of her father and Elizabeth; she could honour all the better feelings of her calmness; but the general air of oblivion among them was highly important from whatever it sprung; and in the event of Admiral Croft's really taking Kellynch Hall, she rejoiced anew over the conviction which had always been most grateful to her, of the past being known to those three only among her connexions, by whom no syllable, she believed, would ever be whispered, and in the trust that among his, the brother only with whom he had been residing, had received any information of their short-lived engagement.
If they exhibit occasional calms, these only serve as short-lived contrast to the furious storms that are to succeed.
The first wave of sudden joy which surged through me was short-lived in the face of the swift-following conviction that the one who fought below was already doomed.
Others are like the opening of his royal confidence, tinged with thoughts of sadness and compassion in a melancholy splendour meditating upon the short-lived peace of the waters.
Her fits of temper (as is usual with good-natured people) were of the hot and the short-lived sort, easily roused and easily appeased.
When you behave well, she can only rejoice with trembling; she has no security, no confidence in your judgment or principles; but is continually dreading the close of such short-lived felicity; when you behave ill, her causes of terror and misery are more than any one can tell but herself.
So, he kissed her and went away; and Louisa returned to the serene apartment of the haircutting character, and leaning her elbow on her hand, looked again at the short-lived sparks that so soon subsided into ashes.
Slowly all that it meant to him filtered into the mind of the Russian, and then a cruel smile of relief and triumph touched his lips; but it was short-lived, for just as he was congratulating himself that he was now comparatively safe to proceed upon his way to the coast unmolested, a mighty pandemonium rose from the river-bank close by.