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adj. short·er, short·est
1. Having little length; not long.
2. Having little height; not tall.
3. Extending or traveling not far or not far enough: a short toss.
a. Lasting a brief time: a short holiday.
b. Appearing to pass quickly: finished the job in a few short months.
5. Not lengthy; succinct: short and to the point.
a. Rudely brief; abrupt: The owner was quite short with the new hire.
b. Easily provoked; irascible: has a short temper.
7. Inadequate; insufficient: oil in short supply; were short on experience.
8. Lacking in length or amount: a board that is short two inches.
9. Lacking in breadth or scope: a short view of the problem.
10. Deficient in retentiveness: a short memory.
a. Holding a trading position that is inversely related to the price of a security or index: short investors; an investor who is short gold.
b. Of or relating to a short sale: a short position.
a. Containing a large amount of shortening; flaky: a short pie crust.
b. Not ductile; brittle: short iron.
a. Linguistics Of, relating to, or being a speech sound of relatively brief duration, as the first vowel sound in the Latin word mălus, "evil," as compared with the same or a similar sound of relatively long duration, as the first vowel sound in the Latin word mālus, "apple tree."
b. Grammar Of, relating to, or being a vowel sound in English, such as the vowel sound (ă) in pat or (o͝o) in put, that is descended from a vowel of brief duration.
14. Being of relatively brief duration. Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.
15. Slang Close to the end of a tour of military duty.
adv. shorter, shortest
1. Abruptly; quickly: stop short.
2. In a rude or curt manner.
3. At a point before a given boundary, limit, or goal: a missile that landed short of the target.
4. At a disadvantage: We were caught short by the sudden storm.
5. By means of a short sale: selling a commodity short.
1. Something short, as:
a. Linguistics A short syllable, vowel, or consonant.
b. A brief film; a short subject.
c. A size of clothing less long than the average for that size.
d. shorts Short pants extending to the knee or above.
e. shorts Undershorts.
a. A short sale.
b. One that sells short.
3. shorts A byproduct of wheat processing that consists of germ, bran, and coarse meal or flour.
4. shorts Clippings or trimmings that remain as byproducts in various manufacturing processes, often used to make an inferior variety of the product.
a. A short circuit.
b. A malfunction caused by a short circuit.
6. Baseball A shortstop.
v. short·ed, short·ing, shorts
1. To cause a short circuit in.
2. Informal To give (one) less than one is entitled to; shortchange.
3. To short-sell (a security or index).
To short-circuit.
for short
As an abbreviation: He's called Ed for short.
in short
In summary; briefly.
short for
An abbreviation of: Ed is short for Edward.
short of
1. Having an inadequate supply of: We're short of cash.
2. Less than: Nothing short of her best effort was required to make the team.
3. Other than; without resorting to: Short of yelling at him, I had no other way to catch his attention.
4. Not quite willing to undertake or do; just this side of: She stopped short of throwing out the old photo.
the short end of the stick
The worst side of an unequal deal.

[Middle English, from Old English sceort, scort; see sker- in Indo-European roots.]

short′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. of little length; not long
2. of little height; not tall
3. of limited duration
4. not meeting a requirement; deficient: the number of places laid at the table was short by four.
5. (postpositive; often foll by of or on) lacking (in) or needful (of): I'm always short of money.
6. concise; succinct
7. lacking in the power of retentiveness: a short memory.
8. abrupt to the point of rudeness: the salesgirl was very short with him.
9. (Banking & Finance) finance
a. not possessing the securities or commodities that have been sold under contract and therefore obliged to make a purchase before the delivery date
b. of or relating to such sales, which depend on falling prices for profit
10. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics
a. denoting a vowel of relatively brief temporal duration
b. classified as short, as distinguished from other vowels. Thus in English (ɪ) in bin, though of longer duration than (iː) in beat, is nevertheless regarded as a short vowel
c. (in popular usage) denoting the qualities of the five English vowels represented orthographically in the words pat, pet, pit, pot, put, and putt
11. (Poetry) prosody
a. denoting a vowel that is phonetically short or a syllable containing such a vowel. In classical verse short vowels are followed by one consonant only or sometimes one consonant plus a following l or r
b. (of a vowel or syllable in verse that is not quantitative) not carrying emphasis or accent; unstressed
12. (Cookery) (of pastry) crumbly in texture. See also shortcrust pastry
13. (Brewing) (of a drink of spirits) undiluted; neat
14. (Gambling, except Cards) (of betting odds) almost even
15. have someone by the short and curlies informal to have (someone) completely in one's power
16. in short supply scarce
17. short and sweet unexpectedly brief
18. short for an abbreviation for
19. abruptly: to stop short.
20. briefly or concisely
21. rudely or curtly
22. (Banking & Finance) finance without possessing the securities or commodities at the time of their contractual sale: to sell short.
23. caught short taken short having a sudden need to urinate or defecate
24. fall short
a. to prove inadequate
b. (often foll by of) to fail to reach or measure up to (a standard)
25. go short not to have a sufficient amount, etc
26. short of except: nothing short of a miracle can save him now.
27. anything that is short
28. (Brewing) a drink of spirits as opposed to a long drink such as beer
29. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics prosody a short vowel or syllable
30. (Poetry) phonetics prosody a short vowel or syllable
31. (Banking & Finance) finance
a. a short contract or sale
b. a short seller
32. (Film) a short film, usually of a factual nature
33. (Electronics) See short circuit1
34. for short informal as an abbreviation: he is called Jim for short.
35. in short
a. as a summary
b. in a few words
(Electronics) See short circuit2
[Old English scort; related to Old Norse skortr a lack, skera to cut, Old High German scurz short]
ˈshortness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. short•er, short•est,
adv., n., v. adj.
1. having little length; not long.
2. having little height; not tall.
3. extending or reaching only a little way: a short path.
4. brief in duration; not extensive in time.
5. concise, as writing.
6. rudely brief; abrupt.
7. low in amount; scanty: short rations.
8. not reaching a mark, target, or the like.
9. not reaching a standard, required level, etc.; deficient: a short measure.
10. having an insufficient amount (often fol. by in or on): He was short in experience.
11. (of pastry) crisp and flaky from being made with a large proportion of butter or other shortening.
12. (of metals) deficient in tenacity; friable; brittle.
a. (of a speech sound) lasting a relatively short time.
b. having the sound of the English vowels in bat, bet, bit, hot, but, and put, historically descended from vowels that were short in duration. Compare long 1 (def. 18).
a. (of a syllable in quantitative verse) lasting a relatively short time.
b. unstressed.
15. (of an alcoholic drink) small.
16. abruptly or suddenly: to stop short.
17. briefly; curtly.
18. on the near side of an intended or particular point: The arrow landed short.
19. something that is short.
20. the sum and substance of a matter; gist (usu. prec. by the).
21. a deficiency or the amount of a deficiency; shortage.
22. shorts,
a. trousers, knee-length or shorter.
b. short pants worn by men as underwear; drawers.
c. knee breeches, formerly worn by men.
d. remnants or refuse of various cutting and manufacturing processes.
a. a size of garments for persons who are shorter than average.
b. a garment in this size.
24. Mil. a shot that strikes or bursts short of the target.
26. a short sound or syllable.
29. to short-circuit.
30. to shortchange.
31. to short-circuit.
1. come or fall short,
a. to fail to reach a particular standard.
b. to prove insufficient; be lacking.
2. cut short, to end abruptly; interrupt or terminate.
3. for short, by way of abbreviation.
4. in short,
a. in summary.
b. in brief.
5. sell short,
a. to sell stocks at a high price without actually possessing them, expecting to cover them later at a lower price and keeping the price difference as profit.
b. to disparage or underestimate.
6. short for, being a shorter form of: “Phone” is short for “telephone.”
7. short of,
a. less than; inferior to.
b. inadequately supplied with.
c. without going to the length of: Short of murder, they would have tried anything.
[before 900; Old English sceort, c. Old High German scurz]
short′ish, adj.
short′ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


In artillery and naval gunfire support, a spotting, or an observation, used by an observer to indicate that a burst(s) occurred short of the target in relation to the spotting line.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


1. 'short'

Short is an adjective. You usually use it to say that something does not last for a long time.

Let's take a short break.
She made a short speech.
2. 'shortly'

Shortly is an adverb. If something is going to happen shortly, it is going to happen soon. This is a slightly old-fashioned use.

They should be returning shortly.

If something happened shortly after something else, it happened soon after it.

She died shortly afterwards.
Very shortly after I started my job, I got promoted.
3. 'briefly'

Don't use 'shortly' to say that something lasts or is done for a short time. Don't say, for example, 'She told them shortly what had happened'. Use briefly.

She told them briefly what had happened.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.short - the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
baseball diamond, infield, diamond - the area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate
2.short - accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference
circuit, electric circuit, electrical circuit - an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow
tangency, contact - (electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact; "they forget to solder the contacts"
3.short - the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base
position - (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"
baseball team - a team that plays baseball
Verb1.short - cheat someone by not returning him enough money
bunco, con, defraud, diddle, goldbrick, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, rook, scam, swindle, short-change, victimize - deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
2.short - create a short circuit in
create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
Adj.1.short - primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration; "a short life"; "a short flight"; "a short holiday"; "a short story"; "only a few short months"
long - primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified; "a long life"; "a long boring speech"; "a long time"; "a long friendship"; "a long game"; "long ago"; "an hour long"
2.short - (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length; "short skirts"; "short hair"; "the board was a foot short"; "a short toss"
long - primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified; "a long road"; "a long distance"; "contained many long words"; "ten miles long"
3.short - low in stature; not tall; "he was short and stocky"; "short in stature"; "a short smokestack"; "a little man"
low - literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"
tall - great in vertical dimension; high in stature; "tall people"; "tall buildings"; "tall trees"; "tall ships"
4.short - not sufficient to meet a need; "an inadequate income"; "a poor salary"; "money is short"; "on short rations"; "food is in short supply"; "short on experience"
insufficient, deficient - of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds"
5.short - (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range; "a short memory"
unmindful, forgetful, mindless - not mindful or attentive; "while thus unmindful of his steps he stumbled"- G.B.Shaw
6.short - not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices; "a short sale"; "short in cotton"
finance - the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
long - holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices; "is long on coffee"; "a long position in gold"
7.short - of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration; "the English vowel sounds in `pat', `pet', `pit', `pot', putt' are short"
phonetics - the branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysis
long - (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration; "the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot' are long"
8.short - less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; "a light pound"; "a scant cup of sugar"; "regularly gives short weight"
insufficient, deficient - of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds"
9.short - lacking foresight or scope; "a short view of the problem"; "shortsighted policies"; "shortsighted critics derided the plan"; "myopic thinking"
improvident - not provident; not providing for the future
10.short - tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening; "shortbread is a short crumbly cookie"; "a short flaky pie crust"
breakable - capable of being broken or damaged; "earthenware pottery is breakable"; "breakable articles should be packed carefully"
11.short - marked by rude or peremptory shortness; "try to cultivate a less brusque manner"; "a curt reply"; "the salesgirl was very short with him"
discourteous - showing no courtesy; rude; "a distant and at times discourteous young"
Adv.1.short - quickly and without warningshort - quickly and without warning; "he stopped suddenly"
2.short - without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold; "he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash"
finance - the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
3.short - clean across; "the car's axle snapped short"
4.short - at some point or distance before a goal is reached; "he fell short of our expectations"
5.short - so as to interrupt; "She took him up short before he could continue"
6.short - at a disadvantage; "I was caught short"
7.short - in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner; "he told me curtly to get on with it"; "he talked short with everyone"; "he said shortly that he didn't like it"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


3. small, little, wee, tiny, squat, diminutive, petite, pint-sized (informal), dumpy, dwarfish, knee high to a grasshopper, fubsy (archaic or dialect), knee high to a gnat I'm tall and thin and he's short and fat.
small big, tall, lofty, lanky
4. abrupt, sharp, terse, curt, blunt, crusty, gruff, brusque, offhand, testy, impolite, discourteous, uncivil She was definitely short with me.
abrupt civil, polite, courteous
5. (of pastry) crumbly, crisp, brittle, friable a crisp short pastry
6. direct, straight, undeviating, through a short route through the town
1. abruptly, suddenly, unaware, by surprise, without warning He had no insurance and was caught short when his house was burgled.
abruptly slowly, gradually, gently, bit by bit, little by little
cut someone short stop, interrupt, cut in on, butt in on His father cut him short.
cut something short curtail, stop, reduce, halt, dock, terminate, abbreviate They had to cut short their holiday.
in short briefly, in essence, in a word, in a nutshell, to cut a long story short, to come to the point, to put it briefly In short, it is a treaty that everyone should be pleased with.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Not long in time or duration:
2. Accomplished in very little time:
3. Marked by or consisting of few words that are carefully chosen:
4. Rudely unceremonious:
5. Not enough to meet a demand or requirement:
1. Without any warning:
2. Without adequate preparation:
Idiom: by surprise.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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A. ADJ (shorter (compar) (shortest (superl)))
1. (in length, distance, duration) [message, journey, hair, skirt] → corto; [person] → bajo, chaparro (CAm, Mex); [vowel, syllable] → breve; [memory] → malo, flaco
the shortest routela ruta más corta
February is a short monthfebrero es un mes corto
it was a great holiday, but too shortfueron unas vacaciones estupendas, pero demasiado cortas
she's quite shortes bastante baja
the short answer is thaten pocas palabras la razón es que ...
to have a short back and sidesllevar el pelo corto por detrás y por los lados
a short breakun pequeño descanso
the days are getting shorterlos días se vuelven más cortos
time is getting shorternos queda poco tiempo
to win by a short head (Racing) → ganar por una cabeza escasa
to be short in the leg [person] → tener las piernas cortas
these trousers are a bit short in the legestos pantalones tienen la pierna algo pequeña
at short noticecon poco tiempo de antelación
in short orderen breve, en seguida
to take short stepsdar pequeños pasos
in the short terma corto plazo
a short time agohace poco
to work short time; be on short time (Ind) → trabajar una jornada reducida
to take a short walkdar un paseo corto
a short way offa poca distancia, no muy lejos
a few short wordsalgunas palabritas
that was short and sweeteso fue corto y bueno
to make short work of sthdespachar algo
2. (= insufficient) → escaso
I'm £3 shortme faltan 3 libras
it's two kilos shortfaltan dos kilos
bananas are very shortescasean los plátanos, casi no hay plátanos
I'm a bit short at the momenten este momento ando un poco corto or escaso de dinero
to be short of sthandar falto or escaso de algo
we're short of petrolandamos escasos de gasolina
we're not short of volunteersse han ofrecido muchos voluntarios, no andamos escasos de voluntarios
to be short of breathestar sin aliento
to give sb short changeno darle el cambio completo a algn
to give short measure to sbdar de menos a algn
gold is in short supplyescasea el oro, hay escasez de oro
short ton (US) (= 2,000lb) → tonelada f corta
to give short weight to sbdar de menos a algn
see supply
short of (= less than) short of blowing it upa menos que lo volemos, a no ser que lo volemos
short of murder I'll do anythinglo haré todo menos matar
not far short of £100poco menos de 100 libras
it's little short of madnessdista poco de la locura
nothing short of total surrendernada menos que la rendición incondicional
it's nothing short of robberyes nada menos que un robo
nothing short of a bomb would stop himfuera de una bomba nada le impediría
nothing short of a miracle can save himsólo un milagro le puede salvar, se necesitaría un milagro para salvarle
4. (= concise) → corto, breve
short and to the pointcorto y bueno
"Pat" is short for "Patricia""Patricia" se abrevia en "Pat"
Rosemary is called "Rose" for shorta Rosemary le dicen "Rose" para abreviar
"TV" is short for "television""TV" es abreviatura de "televisión"
in shorten pocas palabras, en resumen
in short, the answer is noen una palabra, la respuesta es no
see also long 1 C1
5. (= curt) [reply, manner] → brusco, seco
to have a short temperser de mal genio, tener mal genio or mal carácter or corto de genio
to be short with sbtratar a algn con sequedad
6. [pastry] → quebradizo
1. (= suddenly, abruptly) → en seco
to stop short; pull up shortpararse en seco
2. (insufficiency)
to come short ofno alcanzar
to cut sth shortsuspender algo
they had to cut short their holidaytuvieron que interrumpir sus vacaciones
to fall short ofno alcanzar
to fall short of the targetno alcanzar el blanco, no llegar al blanco
to fall short of expectationsno cumplir las esperanzas
it falls far short of what we requiredista mucho de satisfacer nuestras exigencias
production has fallen short by 100 tonsla producción arroja un déficit de 100 toneladas
to go short ofpasarse sin
no one goes short in this houseen esta casa nadie padece hambre
we never went short (of anything) as childrenno nos faltó nada de niños
we're running short of breadtenemos poco pan, se nos acaba el pan (LAm)
we ran short of petrolse nos acabó la gasolina, quedamos sin gasolina
to sell shortvender al descubierto
to sell sb short (lit) → engañar a algn en un negocio (fig) → menospreciar a algn
to stop short of (lit) → detenerse antes de llegar a
I'd stop short of murder (fig) → menos matar, haría lo que fuera
to be taken shortnecesitar urgentemente ir al wáter
3. (= except) short of apologizingfuera de pedirle perdón ...
C. N
1. (Elec) = short-circuit A
2. (Brit) (= drink) → bebida f corta
3. (Cine) → cortometraje m
see also shorts
D. VTI (Elec) = short-circuit B, C
E. CPD short cut Natajo m
short list Nlista f de candidatos preseleccionados
short sight Nmiopía f
to have short sightser míope, ser corto de vista
short story Ncuento m
short story writerescritor(a) m/f de cuentos
short wave N (Rad) → onda f corta
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(not lasting long) [period, announcement, message, break, holiday, meeting] → court(e)
It was a great holiday, but too short → C'étaient des vacances super, mais trop courtes.
a short break (= pause) → une petite pause, une courte pause
a short time ago → il y a peu de temps
in the short term → à court terme short-term
at short notice → au dernier moment
(= soon finished) [speech, letter, book] → court(e)
to make short work of sb/sth → expédier qn/qch
(in measurement) [distance, step, flight, hair, skirt, dress] → court(e)
a short walk → une petite promenade
a short skirt → une jupe courte
short hair → les cheveux courts
(not tall) [person] → petit(e)
She's quite short → Elle est assez petite.
(= curt) → brusque, sec(sèche)
to be short with sb → être brusque avec qn, être sec avec qn(sèche)
to have a short temper → s'emporter facilement
(= insufficient, lacking) → insuffisant(e)
Food is short
BUT Il n'y a pas assez de nourriture.
Time is short
BUT Il ne reste plus beaucoup de temps.
I'm three short → il m'en manque trois
to be in short supply → manquer, être difficile à trouver
to be short of sth → être à court de qch, manquer de qch
We're dreadfully short of staff at present → Nous manquons terriblement de personnel en ce moment.
I'm short of money → Je suis à court d'argent.
to be short of breath → être hors d'haleine
to be short on sth → manquer de qch
He was short on enthusiasm → Il manquait d'enthousiasme.
The proposals were short on detail
BUT Les propositions n'étaient pas assez détaillées.
(= abbreviated) → abrégé(e)
to be short for sth → être l'abréviation de qch
UN is short for United Nations → ONU est l'abréviation de Organisation des Nations Unies.
Fred is short for Frederick
BUT Fred est le diminutif de Frederick.
(also short film) → court métrage m
(mainly British) (= drink) → alcool m fort
in short → bref
In short, the answer's no → Bref, la réponse est non.
to cut short [+ speech, visit] → abréger, écourter; [+ person] → couper la parole à
to stop short → s'arrêter net
to stop short of doing sth → ne pas aller jusqu'à faire qch
to pull sb up short, to bring sb up short → couper qn dans son élan
to run short of sth → être presque à court de qch
We were running short of food → Nous étions presque à court de nourriture.
to go short of sth → manquer de qch
to fall short of sth → ne pas répondre à qch
to be caught short (British) to be taken short (British)être pris(e) d'un besoin pressant
short of (= less than) → en dessous de
Inflation is just short of 11 per cent → L'inflation est juste en dessous de 11 pour cent.
to fall short of sth → tomber en dessous de qch
short of (= before) → avant
He stopped a hundred metres short of the building → Il s'est arrêté cent mètres avant le bâtiment.
short of (= except for) → sauf
everything short of → tout sauf
short of doing → à moins de faire
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (+er)
kurz; steps, personklein; waist (of dress)hoch; a short way offnicht weit entfernt; to be short in the leg (person) → kurze Beine haben; (trousers) → zu kurz sein; to be in short trousersin kurzen Hosen herumlaufen; (fig)ein kleiner Junge sein; short back and sideskurzer Haarschnitt; a short time agovor kurzer Zeit, vor Kurzem; in a short time or whilein Kürze, in kurzer Zeit; time is getting/is shortdie Zeit wird/ist knapp; to take the short viewdie Sache auf kurze Sicht betrachten; in short order (US inf) → sofort; short drinkKurze(r) m (inf), → Schnaps m
(Ling) vowel, syllablekurz; (= unstressed)unbetont
(= brief)kurz; short and sweetschön kurz, kurz und ergreifend (iro); the short answer is that he refusedkurz gesagt, er lehnte ab; in shortkurz gesagt; she’s called Pat for shortsie wird kurz or einfach Pat genannt; Pat is short for PatriciaPat ist die Kurzform von Patricia
(= curt) replyknapp; (= rude)barsch, schroff; manner, personschroff, kurz angebunden (inf); to have a short temperunbeherrscht sein; his short temperseine Unbeherrschtheit; to be short with somebodyjdn schroff behandeln, jdm gegenüber kurz angebunden sein (inf)
(= insufficient)zu wenig inv; rationsknapp; to be in short supplyknapp sein; (Comm) → beschränkt lieferbar sein; to be short (= in short supply)knapp sein; (shot, throw) → zu kurz sein, nicht weit genug sein; we are (five/£3) short, we are short (of five/£3)wir haben (fünf/£ 3) zu wenig; it’s five/£3 shortes fehlen fünf/£ 3; we are seven shortuns (dat)fehlen sieben; we are short of books/staffwir haben zu wenig Bücher/Personal; we are not short of volunteerswir haben genug Freiwillige, uns fehlt es nicht an Freiwilligen; to be short of timewenig Zeit haben; I’m a bit short (of cash) (inf)ich bin etwas knapp bei Kasse (inf); he’s one sandwich short of a picnic (hum inf) he’s one or several cards short of a full deck (US hum inf) → er hat sie nicht alle beisammen (inf); we are £2,000 short/not far short of our targetwir liegen £ 2.000/(nur) knapp unter unserem Ziel; not far or much short of £100nicht viel weniger als £ 100, beinahe £ 100, knapp unter £ 100; he is not far short of his fiftieth birthday nower ist jetzt knapp unter fünfzig, ihm fehlt nicht mehr viel bis zu seinem fünfzigsten Geburtstag; to be short on experience/exampleswenig Erfahrung/Beispiele haben; to give somebody short changejdm zu wenig herausgeben or zu wenig Wechselgeld geben ? breath, measure
(Fin) saleohne Deckung, ungedeckt; loan, billkurzfristig; short stockauf Baisse gekaufte Aktien
(= below the expected amount) to fall short (arrow etc) → zu kurz landen; (shot) → zu kurz sein; (supplies etc) → nicht ausreichen; that’s where the book falls shortdaran fehlt es dem Buch; to fall short of somethingetw nicht erreichen; of expectationsetw nicht erfüllen; it fell 10 feet short of the targetes fehlten 10 Fuß zum Ziel, es war 10 Fuß zu kurz; it falls far short of what we requiredas bleibt weit hinter unseren Bedürfnissen zurück; (in quantity) → das bleibt weit unter unseren Bedürfnissen; production has fallen short by 100 tonsdie Produktion ist um 100 Tonnen zu niedrig; to go short (of money/food etc)zu wenig (Geld/zu essen etc) haben; we never went shortwir hatten immer genügend; the parents went short of food so that the children could eatdie Eltern haben an sich (dat)selbst gespart, damit die Kinder zu essen hatten; they never let the children go shortsie ließen es den Kindern an nichts fehlen; we are running short (of water/time)wir haben nicht mehr viel (Wasser/Zeit); I’m running short of ideasmir gehen die Ideen aus; my patience is running shortmeine Geduld ist bald zu Ende; sugar/water is running shortZucker/Wasser ist knapp; to sell somebody short (in shop) → jdm zuwenig geben; (= betray, cheat)jdn betrügen; to sell oneself short (inf)sein Licht unter den Scheffel stellen, sich unter Wert verkaufen; to sell short (Fin) → ungedeckt or ohne Deckung verkaufen
(= abruptly, suddenly)plötzlich, abrupt; to pull up or stop short (while driving) → plötzlich or abrupt anhalten; (while walking also) → plötzlich or abrupt stehen bleiben; to stop short (while talking) → plötzlich or unvermittelt innehalten; to stop somebody shortjdn unterbrechen; to stop something shortetw abbrechen; I’d stop short of murdervor Mord würde ich haltmachen; he stopped short of actually calling me a liarer ging nicht so weit, mich tatsächlich einen Lügner zu nennen; to be caught short (inf: = unprepared) → überrascht werden; (= without money, supplies)zu knapp (dran) sein; (= need the toilet)dringend mal müssen (inf); to catch somebody short (inf)jdn in einer Verlegenheit antreffen; to be caught short by somethingauf etw (acc)nicht vorbereitet sein
short of (= except)außer (+dat); it is nothing short of robberydas ist glatter Diebstahl; nothing short of a revolution can …nur eine Revolution kann …; it’s little short of madnessdas grenzt an Wahnsinn; it’s little short of murderdas ist ja schon fast Mord; I don’t see what you can do short of asking him yourselfich sehe keine andere Möglichkeit, außer dass Sie ihn selbst fragen; short of telling him a lie …außer ihn zu belügen
n (= short circuit)Kurzschluss, Kurze(r) (inf) m; (inf: = short drink) → Kurze(r) m (inf); (= short film)Kurzfilm m; to have/get somebody by the short and curlies (Brit inf) → jdn am Wickel haben/kriegen (inf) ? long2
vt (Elec) → kurzschließen
vi (Elec) → einen Kurzschluss haben


short arse
n (Brit sl) → Knirps m (inf)
nShortbread nt, → ˜ Butterkeks m
n (Brit: = shortbread) → Butterkeks m; (US: = sponge) → Biskuittörtchen nt; strawberry shortErdbeertörtchen nt
vt to short somebody (lit)jdm zu wenig Wechselgeld geben, jdm zu wenig herausgeben; (fig inf)jdn übers Ohr hauen (inf)
short circuit
nKurzschluss m
vtkurzschließen; (fig: = bypass) → umgehen
vieinen Kurzschluss haben
n (esp pl) → Mangel m; (of person)Fehler m; (of system)Unzulänglichkeit f, → Mangel m
short course
n (Swimming) → Kurzbahn f
n (also shortcrust pastry)Mürbeteig m
shortcut, short cut
Abkürzung f; (fig)Schnellverfahren nt; (= easy solution)Patentlösung f; there’s no short to successder Erfolg fällt einem nicht in den Schoß
(Comput) → Verknüpfung f; (= shortcut key)Shortcut m, → Tastenkombination f; broken shortungültige Verknüpfung


nDefizit nt
nKurzschrift f, → Stenografie f; in shortin Kurzschrift; to write shortstenografieren; to take something down in shortetw stenografieren
adj to be shortzu wenig Personal haben
shorthand notebook
nStenoblock m
shorthand notes
plstenografische Notizen pl
shorthand typist
nStenotypist(in) m(f)
shorthand writer
nStenograf(in) m(f)
short haul
nNahtransport m
short-haul jet
nKurzstreckenflugzeug nt
nKurzhornrind nt, → Shorthorn nt; short cattleKurzhornrinder pl


short list
n (esp Brit) → Auswahlliste f; to be on the shortin der engeren Wahl sein
vt (esp Brit) to short somebodyjdn in die engere Wahl nehmen or ziehen; he has not been shorteder ist nicht in die engere Wahl gekommen
adj (lit, fig)kurzlebig; protests, attemptsnicht lange andauernd; to be short (success, happiness) → von kurzer Dauer sein


adj (US) cook, waiterim Schnellimbiss; short dishesSchnellgerichte pl
short pastry
nMürbeteig m
adjmit geringer or kurzer Reichweite; walkie-talkiefür den Nahbereich; (fig) planskurzfristig; short missile/aircraftKurzstreckenrakete f/-flugzeug nt; short weaponNahkampfwaffe f; short weather forecastWetterbericht mfür die nächsten Tage


short sharp shock
n (Brit: = punishment) kurze, aber harte Gefängnisstrafe
adj, short-sightedly
adv (lit, fig)kurzsichtig
n (lit, fig)Kurzsichtigkeit f
short ski
nKurzski m
adj to be shortzu wenig Personal haben
adj (Brit) short hospital wardKurzzeitstation f; short car parkKurzzeitparkplatz m; short visaVisum ntfür einen Kurzaufenthalt
short-stay parking
n (Brit) → Kurzparken nt
short story
nKurzgeschichte f, → Shortstory f, → Short Story f, → Erzählung f; short-story writerAutor(in) m(f)von Kurzgeschichten
adj (in general) → unbeherrscht; (in a bad temper) → gereizt; to be short with somebodymit jdm ungeduldig sein
advunbeherrscht; replyunwirsch, ungeduldig
short term
n for the shortauf kurze Frist gesehen, vorläufig; plans for the shortkurzfristige Pläne; in the shortauf kurze Sicht
adjkurzfristig; short memoryKurzzeitgedächtnis nt; to take a short viewkurzfristig denken; banks took a short view that was harmful to small firmsdie kurzsichtige Einstellung der Banken schadete den Kleinunternehmen; on a short basiskurzfristig
short-term contract
nKurzzeitvertrag m; he was engaged on a shorter wurde mit Kurzzeitvertrag eingestellt
short time
nKurzarbeit f; to be on short, to work shortkurzarbeiten, Kurzarbeit haben
short ton
n Tonne von 2000 Pounds = 907,18 kg
adj personmit kurzer Taille; coathochtailliert; to be shorteine kurze/hohe Taille haben
short wave
nKurzwelle f
adj transmissionauf Kurzwelle; a short radioein Kurzwellenempfänger m
adj (= breathless)kurzatmig
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl)))
a. (in length, distance) → corto/a; (in time) → breve; (person) → basso/a
the days are getting shorter → le giornate si stanno accorciando
to be short in the leg (person) → avere le gambe corte (trousers) → essere corti di gamba
to win by a short head (Racing) → vincere di mezza testa or incollatura
a short time ago → poco tempo fa
time is getting short → il tempo stringe
that was short and sweet → è stato sbrigativo
to make short work of sb (fig) → sistemare qn
to make short work of sth (job) → sbrigare qc (cake, drink) → far fuori qc
b. (insufficient) I'm £30 shortmi mancano 30 sterline
to give short weight or short measure to sb → imbrogliare qn sul peso or sulla misura
to be in short supply → scarseggiare
to be short of sth (money) → essere a corto di qc
I'm short of time → ho poco tempo
short of breath → senza fiato, con il fiatone
it's little short of madness → è pazzia bella e buona
three miles short of home → a tre miglia da casa
c. (concise) → breve
short and to the point → breve e conciso
"Pat" is short for "Patricia" → "Pat" è il diminutivo di "Patricia"
in short → in breve, a farla breve
d. (reply, manner) → secco/a, brusco/a
to have a short temper → essere irascibile
to be short with sb → essere brusco/a con qn
2. adv
a. (suddenly, abruptly) to stop shortfermarsi di colpo
I'd stop short of stealing → non arriverei mai a rubare
he wouldn't stop short of murder → arriverebbe al punto di uccidere
to pull up short → frenare bruscamente
b. (insufficiently) to run short of sthrimanere senza qc
we never went short (of anything) as children → da bambini non ci è mai mancato nulla
to come or fall short of (expectations) → venire meno a (needs) → non soddisfare
to sell sb short (fig) (belittle) → sminuire qn, buttar giù qn
to be taken or caught short (fam) → avere un bisognino urgente
c. (except) short of selling the house, what can we do?non vedo cos'altro potremo fare, a parte vendere la casa
I'll do anything short of... → farò tutto tranne che...
nothing short of a miracle can save him → solo un miracolo potrebbe salvarlo
3. n
a. (Elec) = short circuit
b. (fam) (drink) → superalcolico
c. (also short film) → cortometraggio
see also shorts
4. vt & vi (Elec) = short-circuit
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ʃoːt) adjective
1. not long. You look nice with your hair short; Do you think my dress is too short?
2. not tall; smaller than usual. a short man.
3. not lasting long; brief. a short film; in a very short time; I've a very short memory for details.
4. not as much as it should be. When I checked my change, I found it was 20 cents short.
5. (with of) not having enough (money etc). Most of us are short of money these days.
6. (of pastry) made so that it is crisp and crumbles easily.
1. suddenly; abruptly. He stopped short when he saw me.
2. not as far as intended. The shot fell short.
ˈshortness noun
ˈshortage (-tidʒ) noun
a lack; the state of not having enough. a shortage of water.
ˈshorten verb
to make or become shorter. The dress is too long – we'll have to shorten it.
ˈshortening noun
(especially American) the fat used for making pastry.
ˈshortly adverb
soon. He will be here shortly; Shortly after that, the police arrived.
shorts noun plural
short trousers for men or women.
ˈshortbread noun
a kind of crisp, crumbling biscuit.
ˌshort-ˈchange verb
to cheat (a buyer) by giving him too little change.
short circuit the missing out by an electric current of a part of an electrical circuit (verb ˌshort-ˈcircuit)
ˈshortcoming noun
a fault.
ˈshortcut noun
a quicker way between two places. I'm in a hurry – I'll take a shortcut across the field.
ˈshorthand noun
a method of writing rapidly, using strokes, dots etc to represent sounds.
ˌshort-ˈhanded adjective
having fewer workers than are necessary or usual.
ˈshort-list noun
a list of candidates selected from the total number of applicants for a job etc.
to put on a short-list. We've short-listed three of the twenty applicants.
ˌshort-ˈlived (-ˈlivd) , ((American) -ˈlaivd) adjective
living or lasting only for a short time. short-lived insects; short-lived enthusiasm.
ˌshort-ˈrange adjective
1. not reaching a long distance. short-range missiles.
2. not covering a long time. a short-range weather forecast.
ˌshort-ˈsighted adjective
seeing clearly only things that are near. I don't recognize people at a distance because I'm short-sighted.
ˌshort-ˈsightedly adverb
ˌshort-ˈsightedness noun
ˌshort-ˈtempered adjective
easily made angry. My husband is very short-tempered in the mornings.
ˌshort-ˈterm adjective
1. concerned only with the near future. short-term plans.
2. lasting only a short time. a short-term loan.
by a short head
by a very small amount. to win by a short head.
for short
as an abbreviation. His name is Victor, but we call him Vic for short.
go short
to cause oneself not to have enough of something. Save this carton for tomorrow, or else we'll go short (of milk).
in short
in a few words.
in short supply
not available in sufficient quantity. Fresh vegetables are in short supply.
make short work of
to dispose of very quickly. The children made short work of the ice-cream.
run short
1. (of a supply) to become insufficient. Our money is running short.
2. (with of) not to have enough. We're running short of money.
short and sweet
His reply was short and sweet: `Get out!' he shouted.
short for
an abbreviation of. `Phone' is short for `telephone'; What is `Ltd.' short for?
short of
not as far as or as much as. Our total came to just short of $1,000; We stopped five miles short of London.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


قَصِير krátký kort kurz κοντός corto lyhyt court kratak breve, corto 短い 짧은 kort kort krótki curto, pequeno короткий kort สั้น kısa ngắn 短的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. corto-a; [time] breve; [height] bajo-a;
in a ___ timeen breve, dentro de poco;
on ___ noticeen corto plazo;
___ of breathfalto-a de respiración;
___ term memorymemoria inmediata.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj (stature) bajo; (dimension) corto; (time) breve, corto; short-acting de acción corta; to be — of breath V. breath.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Despite the August gains, Dusaniwsky said cannabis short sellers haven't been cashing out and covering so far in August, with only Aurora Cannabis Inc (NYSE:ACB) and Canopy Growth Corp (NYSE:CGC) logging significant decreases in shares shorted this month
'For any eligible security, only 10 percent of its outstanding shares can be shorted. The limit acts as a safeguard for the orderly conduct of short selling activities, while still providing ample room for price discovery,' the PSE said.
For any eligible security, only 10 percent of its outstanding shares can be shorted. The limit acts as a safeguard for the orderly conduct of short-selling activities, while still providing ample room for price discovery, the PSE said.