

someone who showers abundantly
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
the fashionable showerer THERE are as many different bathroom designs as there are bathroom designers, but for the sake of simplicity we can split the shower aesthetic into two categories: Modern and traditional.
The fashionable showerer There are as many different bathroom designs as there are designers, but for the sake of simplicity we can split the shower aesthetic into two categories: Modern and traditional.
? The fashionable showerer - There are as many different bathroom designs as there are bathroom designers, but for the sake of simplicity we can split the shower aesthetic into two categories: Modern and traditional.
Particularly popular right now are "rain showers" - huge, flat, ceiling-mounted (usually) units that deluge the showerer with vertical streams of water.
This new invigorating shower experience is fully independent of the showerer's body height.
I am actually a warm water showerer, but it wasn't a problem," said Martina Bader.
Hill's Showcase of Designer Plumbing owner Marianne Hill points to the increasing popularity of electronic showers, which allow the showerer to control multiple components with the push of a button, adding convenience and streamlining the look of the shower.
"I wanted to provide a greater variety of gifts and set up The Baby Showerer website selling the nappy cakes and the feedback has been great."
Vicki, of Dunblane Drive, Cubbington, set up her own business called The Baby Showerer, an innovative gift service for new mums that sells lovingly created "nappy cakes" - packages made up of essentials like nappies, blankets, toys and bibs.
It follows after a survey shows that people in Bangor have been rated as the slowest showerers in Wales.
Three of the waiting figures are watching the two showerers, one of whom is cupping his buttocks in his hands, presumably lathering, but certainly attracting the attention of the clothed man on the right.
Apparently those who wallow in the tub tend to earn considerably less than power showerers.