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(Education) Brit (at Peterhouse, Cambridge, and Trinity College, Dublin) an undergraduate receiving a maintenance grant from the college
[C16: from earlier sizer, from size1 (meaning 'an allowance of food, etc')]
ˈsizarˌship n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or siz•er

(ˈsaɪ zər)

(at Cambridge University and at Trinity College, Dublin) an undergraduate who receives maintenance aid from the college.
[1580–90; size1 (definition 7) + -ar3]
siz′ar•ship`, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
He entered college as a sizar, that is, in return for doing the work of a servant he received free board and lodging in his college.
or did he get a sizar's place at college, or escape to America, and earn honours by drawing blood from his foster-country?
[Footnote: His name should never be spelled with a c .] Born in London in 1552, the son of a clothmaker, Spenser past from the newly established Merchant Taylors' school to Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, as a sizar, or poor student, and during the customary seven years of residence took the degrees of B.
But it had an influence in placing obstacles in the way of her association with Mrs Gowan by making the Prunes and Prism school excessively polite to her, but not very intimate with her; and Little Dorrit, as an enforced sizar of that college, was obliged to submit herself humbly to its ordinances.
Chinese Ambassador to Jordan Pan Weifang and JFA Secretary-General, Sizar Soubar signed the agreement.
His first departure from Northern Ireland, to attend Trinity College in Dublin as a sizar, was a liberating experience from which there was, in a sense, no returning.
The earlier Webbe could have matriculated as a sizar around 1569 and consequently, following Andrew Hadfield's chronicle of Spenser's student life, his stay in St John's would have overlapped with Spenser's at Pembroke Hall.
Besides being a student and scientist, Newton worked as a sizar. A sizar helped pay his way through college by "doing secretarial jobs, running errands, and performing domestic tasks such as lighting fires" (40).
He was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he was admitted as a sizar on 1 April 1643, graduated B.A.
Greenwood," then the last may be the Thomas Greenwood who matriculated as a sizar in 1581, took a BA between 1584 and 1585, and gained an MA in 1588.
From a different appreciation of Sterne's biography, however, he was the impoverished son of an absent father, sent to Cambridge only thanks to the grudging assistance of a condescending uncle who expected subservient favors in return, and then only as a low class sizar compelled to wait on his fellow students at table in part payment for his keep.
Bu sefer islem tersine doner ve oksijen hemoglobininin etrafindan ayrilarak doku araligina sizar. urtamda artmis olan C02 ve diger asit maddeler hemoglobinin oksijene ilgisini zayiflatarak hemoglobinden oksijen cozulmesini artirirlar.