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(Automotive Engineering) trademark Canadian another name for snowmobile
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Most evenings we were all pretty tired after a day's skiing but we also managed to fit in bum boarding, going out for pizza, an exhilarating skidoo ride and some of us even went skiing at dusk.
This price includes return flights from Edinburgh on March 30, 2019, a skidoo, indoor pool, snowshoeing and an ice rink.
Then it was the climax to the day (and the trip) - a skidoo ride through the forest in search of the big man in red himself.
Wake Up the Dream is a family-friendly album by the Grammy-winning Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, featuring original music that explores the world of dreams and dream-inspired songs.
The 1920s band, 52 Skidoo, is booked in on Friday, March 9, describing themselves as an "unlikely collection of drunks, gamblers, misfits and outlaws".
Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, Asheville Symphony, Orion Weiss & DJ Marley Carroll
Snowmobiling is also a popular activity at the Mzaar Kfar Debian areas since there exist several tracks for people to ride on and most skidoo operators such as Can-Am or BRP offer the latest models.
If you ask nicely, the owner will bring you back down to earth on his skidoo.
Some harvesting occurs in areas not accessible by highway: hunters travel by skidoo in winter and up the Peel River and its tributaries in the ice-free months (Kofinas, 1998:113).
On Monday, blizzard conditions were preventing the explorer from being transported by skidoo to the Princess Elisabeth Station, about 43 miles from his base camp position.