
(redirected from skidoos)


(Automotive Engineering) trademark Canadian another name for snowmobile
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It is a daunting place approached through almost 10 miles of snow field where skidoos are the norm - not rear-wheel-drive sports cars.
It is a daunting place approached through almost 10 miles of snow eld where skidoos are the norm - not rear-wheel-drive sports cars.
We spent two hours out on skidoos searching for them ([euro]129 per adult, [euro]106 for children 4-11) to no avail.
I had to be air- lifted from the scene following almost two hours' lying in the snow waiting for mountain rescue to respond with skidoos and the helicopter as they found it diffi-cult to locate me."
After the reindeer sleigh ride, which allowed us to relax snugly and admire the scenery, we were able to try a variety of snow games including mini skidoos, kick sleds, skis, toboggans, snow hockey and ice-fishing.
They charted the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands - an ancient mountain range buried beneath several kilometres of Antarctic ice - by combining data from satellites and ice-penetrating radars towed behind skidoos and on-board small aircraft.
Each year, When You Wish Upon A Star sends youngsters to a winter playground in Lapland where they ride on skidoos, snowmobiles, quad bikes and go skiing and sledging.
she has travelled around Antarctica on helicopters, aeroplanes, skidoos, Haggs, quad bikes, tractors and utes ...' Truth certainly is stranger than fiction.
Recently, rules about skidoos have also been developed: "don't chase caribou with skidoos" was among the most commonly spoken rules related to the road.
The series took four years to make involving a record 2,356 days in the field using 38 sled dogs, 33 skidoos, 28 helicopters and two powerful icebreakers.