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Related to slopped: slopped around, slopped out

slop 1

1. Spilled or splashed liquid.
2. Soft mud or slush.
3. Unappetizing watery food or soup.
4. often slops Waste food used to feed pigs or other animals; swill.
5. often slops Mash remaining after alcohol distillation.
6. often slops Human excrement.
7. Repulsively effusive writing or speech; drivel.
v. slopped, slop·ping, slops
1. To be spilled or splashed: Suds slopped over the rim of the washtub.
2. To spill over; overflow.
3. To walk heavily or messily in or as if in mud; plod: "He slopped along in broken slippers, hands in pockets, whistling" (Alan Sillitoe).
4. To express oneself effusively; gush.
1. To spill (liquid).
2. To spill liquid on.
3. To serve unappetizingly or clumsily; dish out: slopped some lasagna onto his plate.
4. To feed slops to (animals): slopped the hogs.

[Middle English sloppe, a muddy place, perhaps from Old English *sloppe, dung, slime; see sleubh- in Indo-European roots.]

slop 2

1. slops Articles of clothing and bedding issued or sold to sailors.
2. slops Short full trousers worn in the 16th century.
3. A loose outer garment, such as a smock or overalls.
4. slops Chiefly British Cheap, ready-made garments.

[Middle English sloppe, a kind of garment, from Old English -slop (in oferslop, surplice); see sleubh- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.slopped - very drunkslopped - very drunk        
jargon, lingo, patois, argot, vernacular, slang, cant - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo"
drunk, inebriated, intoxicated - stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol); "a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors"; "helplessly inebriated"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
As I toddled along, the beer slopped over the rim upon my legs.
The mimic royalty on the stage, with their soaked satins clinging to their bodies, slopped about ankle-deep in water, warbling their sweetest and best, the fiddlers under the eaves of the state sawed away for dear life, with the cold overflow spouting down the backs of their necks, and the dry and happy King sat in his lofty box and wore his gloves to ribbons applauding.
Plates of meat swimming in gravy were handed round by boys in white jackets, and as they flung each plate down with the quick gesture of a prestidigitator the gravy slopped over on to the table-cloth.