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v. smudged, smudg·ing, smudg·es
1. To make dirty, especially in one small area: My shirt was smudged with soot.
2. To smear or blur (something): smudged grease on my pants; smudged her makeup.
3. To fill (an orchard or an inhabited area) with dense smoke from a smudge pot in order to prevent damage from frost or to repel insects.
1. To smear something, such as dirt or soot.
2. To become smudged or blurred: Photo negatives smudge easily.
1. A blotch or smear.
2. A blurry or indistinct part or image: a smudge on the photocopy.
3. A smoky fire used to protect against frost or to repel insects.

[Middle English smogen.]

smudg′i·ly adv.
smudg′i·ness n.
smudg′y adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Alternative Belief Systems) a traditional Native American method of using smoke from burning herbs to purify a space
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The word "Quad" can be clearly seen on the watermark despite some smudging. Further, the watermark also suggests that Huawei will use Leica optics in the P30 Pro.
Go easy on the smudging if you want to dial down the grunge factor, and finish with a matching blue mascara to get that full-on electric glow.
Use this ultimate stay-put pencil to avoid the dreaded smudging and watering.
In recent years I have come to deeply appreciate the rites of smudging conducted by indigenous peoples.
Special technology keeps smudging, flaking and clumps away.
MYSTICS SAY THE Native American practice of smudging, or purifying a room with the smoke of sacred herbs, can help clear negative energy from a space.
Summary: Motorists smudging and obscuring motor vehicles' number plates in order to avoid radar detection has seen a considerable rise, according to the Cases Follow-up Division of the Abu Dhabi Attorney-General's office.
There are few things as 'traditionally Native' as the practice of smudging. To the uninitiated, smudging is the act of cleansing/purification through the use of burning sweetgrass (usually in braided form) or sage (held in an abalone shell or simple small clay pot).
CLINIQUE BRUSH-ON CREAM LINER IN TRUE BLACK pounds 13.50 This little pot of cream comes with a separate brush allowing for fine lines and smudging. The colour is intense black and there is plenty of product.
Fine tip allows for precision application in a deep black but its quick-dry formula makes smudging difficult.
This work investigates how products can be modified to reduce smudging and reflections.
Plus, even if you rub your eyes, there is no smudging. Problem is, if you should watch a weepy film, you'll find that rather than smudging, this mascara flakes, which is just as messy and embarrassing.