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or soft-core  (sôft′kôr′, sŏft′-)
1. Being less explicit than hard-core material in depicting or describing sexual activity: softcore pornography.
2. Moderate: a softcore sports fan.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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IBM will also contribute other technologies including a softcore implementation of the POWER ISA, as well as reference designs for the architecture-agnostic Open Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface (OpenCAPI) and the Open Memory Interface (OMI).
Replacing 'hardcore Hindutva' with 'softcore Hindutva', Hindu Nationalism has just changed its face in India.
Director X's version adheres closely to the plot of the original albeit with a few timely updates and stylistic tweaks plus a gratuitous softcore threesome in a shower.
"I actually had one of my beats used in a softcore video called Hip Hop Honeys.
This complements Express Logic's longtime support of Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs, such as the Xilinx Zynq-7000 and the MicroBlaze Processor softcore.
As historian Deborah Lipstadt aptly wrote, "The de-Judaization of the Holocaust" is "softcore Holocaust denial." Okay, something bad happened during that war, but war is hell and it wasn't about anti-Semitism.
(The average Muslim likely knows the obligations of Sharia about as well as the average Christian knows the obligations of the Beatitudes.) Nagle raises important questions about this softcore sadism masquerading as intrepid flippancy, "Do those involved in such memes any longer know what motivated them and if they themselves are being ironic or not?
Elliott-Smith begins by establishing the basic thematic elements of the gaysploitation sub-genre: "an erotic objectification of male victims; the prolonged and fetishised slaughter of male rather than female victims; an emphasis on youth, softcore nudity and sexuality and the presentation of gay male sexuality as problematic and often closeted" (93).
To study the effect of Triple-Speed Ethernet in a security system the proposed system uses NIOS II softcore processor and Triple-Speed Ethernet IP core.
To another group, I was the guy who had shot tons of softcore. I was also experienced in edgy and independent films.