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Related to soli: solitaire, jus soli


adj, adv
(Classical Music) music (of a piece or passage) to be performed by or with soloists. Compare tutti
[plural of solo]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
676: But Hesiod says that Amphilochus was killed by Apollo at Soli.
Three months after Mary Welch voiced her worries, she was told by the priest in charge of Soli House in Stratford upon Avon she 'did not fit in' and would have to leave.
Moreover, 9to5Google reports, "They (Google) have requested a band of 5G connectivity from the FCC (58-63.5 GHz), but we've learned from public research and a past FCC waiver that Google's Project Soli works on this same millimeter wave wireless technology."
"Pixel 4 will be the first device with Soli, powering our new motion sense features to allow you to skip songs, snooze alarms, and silence phone calls, just by waving your hand," Pixel product manager Brandon Barbello said in an online post.
"As you reach for Pixel 4, Soli proactively turns on the face unlock sensors, recognizing that you may want to unlock your phone," Barbello wrote.
What's more, the "aware" sensor indicated could very well be the Soli chip, which is known to detect gestures.
Ambassador of Tajikistan Rustam Soli noted the importance of holding an event to further develop ties between peoples and cultures, strengthen friendship and fraternal relations, promote the unique and ancient traditions of Novruz, and wished everyone happiness and prosperity.
The FCC said the Soli sensor captures motion in a three-dimensional space using a radar beam to enable touchless control of functions or features that can benefit users with mobility or speech impairments.
In a move that could herald a major advance in the technology, the US Federal Communications Commission has recently granted Google a waiver that allows Project Soli sensors to use frequencies between 57 and 64 Ghz, which are higher than typically allowed in normal gadgets.
Based on the common-law doctrine of jus soli, or right of the soil, it is the law of the land in Canada, Mexico, Pakistan and most Central and South American countries.
At least 30 countries subscribe to the principle of jus soli, wherein a person's citizenship is based on the territory of his or her birth.