
Related to somewhen: anywhen


at some time
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Yes, though nobody else should reproach me if we should stay together, yet somewhen, years hence, you might get angry with me for any ordinary matter, and knowing what you do of my bygones you yourself might be tempted to say words, and they might be overheard, perhaps by my own children.
16 years 4 months 14 days - Exact length of time that Five is away "somewhen" else, according to Pogo, the chimpanzee that Hargreeves transformed into a walking, talking butler with human emotions and a British accent (voiced by Adam Godley).
They have two rising stars of techno, Somewhen and SHDW.
Always bells; their timed sound, somewhen, in my tamed tides, deep.
Both EXAUDI and BCMG feature on Ben Somewhen, a relatively recent CD of my music.
Incompleteness there will always be in one form or another; the probability will always exist that somewhere and somewhen along the semiosic stream, what a sign is and what it is not according to how we take it will be discarded in favor of some alternative sign that is neither what the previous sign was nor what it was not, but something else (recall the case of the 'center of the universe' or of 'race' and 'skin color' in Figure 21).
She notes in this poem, "When we love, when we tell ourselves we do,/ we are pining for first love, somewhen".
Science, theoretical attunement, Heidegger says, releases the object from "location" (i.e., science universalizes by taking things out of their significance for or concern to someone, somewhere, somewhen); it takes objects out of their particularity and individuality; it "abstracts" them and calls our attention to the theory for which they are only one instance among many like exemplars of the "'if/then' structure." Thus, like all exemplars, objects of scientific attunement are interchangeable in the world of that scientific theory whose terms grant them the right to be what and as they are--instances of universals and universal principles.
It's her freedom school where Joey ends up teaching, and it's her son, of all the black children lost in space-time, who will be found in the wavelengths of color and pitch in the "somewhen" of his Jewish grandfather.
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