

having no song
ˈsonglessly adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Thus refreshed, they set out once more after the leader who wandered aimlessly beneath the shade of the tall jungle trees amidst the gorgeous tropic blooms and gay, songless birds--and of the twelve only the leader saw the beauties that surrounded them or felt the strange, mysterious influence of the untracked world they trod.
There was a grave clock, ticking somewhere up the staircase; and there was a songless bird in the same direction, pecking at his cage, as if he were ticking too.
A SONGLESS adaptation of Victor Hugo's iconic 1862 novel Les Miserables hits our screens tonight with a stellar cast led by Olivia Coleman and Dominic West.
As the eighteenth century progressed, even the General Baptists ultimately gave up their songless state.
Distorted inheritor of the Mobius Strip, all but invented by one group of teenagers." Amy, Tara, Seema, Sid, Lita- Bata ( LB), Dan and the ringleader Mario -- like a songless but enchanting nonetheless Jim Morrison, pushing and pulling everyone around ( the " misfits", " maladjusted", even " marginalised") like a black hole.
Noblest of all the songless bards, he kept His great soul stainless in his Eden-bower.
The article claimed this was having disastrous effects and some schools were becoming songless.
Through many loveless songless days We have to seek the golden shrine, But Venus taught you how to twine Love's violets with Apollo's bays.
Enter John Day, which he calls a "songless thriller".
While they have never managed to match the epic majesty of Death from their first album, there is much here that will rekindle the fans they lost with their polished but songless second album.
Until her songless soul admits Time comes to kill: You pay her price and wonder why You need her still.
in the sixties that songs were additional tools in the hands of a filmmaker and that he couldn't imagine making a 'songless movie'.