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(General Physics) a thing which has been subjected to sound waves
vb (tr)
(General Physics) to subject to sound waves
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CDC tested for Lyme disease by whole cell sonicate and C6 peptide EIAs followed by IgM and IgG immunoblots for all patients and for Babesia infection by examination of Giemsa-stained blood smears, PCR, and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) for total immunoglobulin to B.
Apis mellifera rarely visited tomato flowers in the study areas, probably because it cannot sonicate to remove pollen from anthers.
Cell sonicate was centrifuged and pellet containing crude membrane fractions was suspended in 0.01M HEPES Buffer (pH 7.5) to a solid content of 40mg/ml (Suslick and Flannigan, 2008).
The lung tissue was homogenized by using a sonicate homogenizer in RIPA buffer (9806, Cell Signaling Technology, USA) for western blotting.
Sonicate the solution for 10 minutes and filter to get 0.21 mg/mL [16].
In the United States, most laboratories use a whole-cell sonicate preparation of B.
The sonicate (250 [micro]l) was transferred by drawn Pasteur pipette to a 1-ml glass V-Vial (Wheaton Industries, Inc., Millville, NJ) containing 25 [micro]l of the internal standard in a solution of 100 [micro]1 chloroform and 250 [micro]l methanol.
These assays use a whole-cell sonicate of B burgdorferi and yield a significant number of false-positive results due to cross-reactive antigens such as flagellar and heat-shock proteins if other spirochetal infections are present.