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v. sprang (sprăng) or sprung (sprŭng), sprung, spring·ing, springs
1. To move upward or forward in a single quick motion or a series of such motions; leap: The goat sprang over the log.
2. To move suddenly, especially because of being resilient or moved by a spring: I let the branch spring forward. The door sprang shut.
3. To start doing something suddenly: The firefighters sprang into action.
a. To appear or come into being quickly: New businesses are springing up rapidly.
b. To issue or emerge suddenly: A cry sprang from her lips. A thought springs to mind.
c. To arise from a source; develop: Their frustration springs from a misunderstanding. See Synonyms at stem1.
5. To extend or curve upward, as a rafter or arch.
6. To become warped, split, or cracked. Used of wood.
7. To move out of place; come loose, as parts of a mechanism.
8. Slang To buy something or pay an expense: He offered to spring for the dinner.
1. To cause to leap, dart, or come forth suddenly: The hound sprang a quail.
2. To release from a checked or inoperative position: spring a trap.
3. To present or disclose unexpectedly or suddenly: "He sprung on the world this novel approach to political journalism" (Curtis Wilkie).
4. Slang To cause to be released from prison or other confinement.
a. To cause to warp, split, or crack, as a mast.
b. To have (a mast, for example) warp, split, or crack.
1. An elastic device, such as a coil of wire, that regains its original shape after being compressed or extended.
a. Elasticity; resilience: a mattress with a lot of spring.
b. Energetic bounce: a spring to one's step.
3. The act or an instance of jumping or leaping.
4. A usually rapid return to normal shape after removal of stress; recoil: the spring of a bow.
5. A small stream of water flowing naturally from the earth.
6. A source, beginning, or motive: "The giver herself may not be perfectly clear about the springs of her action" (Margaret Visser).
a. The season of the year between winter and summer, during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice and popularly considered to include the months of March, April, and May. In the Southern Hemisphere austral spring includes September, October, and November.
b. A time of growth and renewal.
8. A warping, bending, or cracking, as that caused by excessive force.
9. Architecture The point at which an arch or vault rises from its support.
1. Of or acting like a spring; resilient.
2. Having or supported by springs: a spring mattress.
a. Relating to or occurring in spring: spring showers; spring planting.
b. Grown during the season of spring: spring crops.
spring a leak
To start leaking suddenly: The boat sprang a leak. My balloon has sprung a leak.

[Middle English springen, from Old English springan. N., Middle English springe, from Old English spring, wellspring.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Placename) a city in E South Africa: developed around a coal mine established in 1885 and later became a major world gold-mining centre, now with uranium extraction. Pop: 80 776 (2001)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



a city in S Transvaal, in the E Republic of South Africa, E of Johannesburg. 142,812.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Meanwhile spring came on, beautiful and kindly, without the delays and treacheries of spring,--one of those rare springs in which plants, beasts, and man rejoice alike.
27-47) They sing of the blessed gods and high Olympus and choose to tell of such an one as luck-bringing Hermes above the rest, how he is the swift messenger of all the gods, and how he came to Arcadia, the land of many springs and mother of flocks, there where his sacred place is as god fo Cyllene.
Bleeding and coughing, already stricken, he sprang at the elder and fought while life faded from him, his legs going weak beneath him, the light of day dulling on his eyes, his blows and springs falling shorter and shorter.
Down goes the red cross, and up springs Simon with the scarlet roses!"
This makes a difference of level, at the outside, of six or seven feet; and yet the water shed by the surrounding hills is insignificant in amount, and this overflow must be referred to causes which affect the deep springs. This same summer the pond has begun to fall again.
NOTHING earthly save the ray(Thrown back from flowers) of Beauty's eye, As in those gardens where the day Springs from the gems of Circassy - O !
Departure for the rendezvous A war party of Blackfeet A mock bustle Sham fires at night Warlike precautions Dangers of a night attack A panic among horses Cautious march The Beer Springs A mock carousel Skirmishing with buffaloes A buffalo bait Arrival at the rendezvous Meeting of various bands
an odd adventure!" I said to myself, as I stepped along in the spring morning air; for, being a pilgrim, I was involuntarily in a mediaeval frame of mind, and "Marry!
In the spring of 1809 he went to visit the Ryazan estates which had been inherited by his son, whose guardian he was.
One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of water, that rose in the midst of it, she sat herself down to rest a while.
Spring, thou sheep-head; spring, and break thy backbone!
Then the Spring came, and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds.