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tr.v. sub·lat·ed, sub·lat·ing, sub·lates Logic
To negate, deny, or contradict.

[From Latin sublātus, past participle of tollere, to take away : sub-, sub- + lātus, taken; see telə- in Indo-European roots.]

sub·la′tion (-lā′shən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
formal to deny
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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But in this relation the master needs to sublate and erase the slave as the constituent of his own consciousness and enter the pure space of dominance in which the ontological substance of the slave will be transformed into the infinite acts of negation reducing the master's self to an object of his desire.
The point of departure for McDowell's argument is Robert Pippin's thesis (1989: 18ff.) that a major goal of Hegel's entire philosophical project is to develop and sublate Kant's account of self-consciousness as a Transcendental Unity of Apperception (TUA).
Freud's dismissal of the need for evidence, or for logic, demonstrates the construction of the European Christian self as a process whose urgency overrides the historical specificity of what it is attempting to contain and sublate. Talal Asad sees the development of modern Christian doctrine, for example, as tacitly relying on Enlightenment reason, which creates issues of "translation" when Western anthropologists attempt to study non-Christian religions such as Islam (1993, 2).
Houlgate's interpretation of mechanical memory is highly suggestive and anticipates the reading developed in this article: mechanical memory allows spirit to suspend meaning, and so spirit can sublate even itself.
Scholars of philosophy show that German philosopher Georg Hegel's (1770-1831) system of thought, though not every subsection of it, is an integral part of the controversial history of Western metaphysics, even if--or rather because--he intended to sublate that history in his philosophy.
In his section titled "The Tragic" in Nietzsche and Philosophy, Deleuze laid out a non-dialectical, non-Hegelian Nietzsche who affirms tragedy without trying to sublate it.
This might be reformulated in Marxist phrasing as the machines think us--the General Intellect becomes an oppressive collective will, alienated from us--which of course we need to sublate. But Stiegler does not concede this to Marx, and says 'Marx still does not properly analyze the accumulation of intellectual capital that has today become an essential issue, and more generally he ignores what I call artificial retention' (TT3, p85, emphasis in the original).
You cannot subtract violence from class domination peacefully if, as a class and for a class, you intend to sublate that domination.
In its blending of ambivalent meanings connoted by the concept of avatar, the movie self-consciously attempts to pitch for a monstrous pedagogical engagement of each with each in order to mediate and ultimately sublate the tension between the organic and the machinic (or the Epimethean and the Promethean6) traditions.
The audience is the poetry but needs the poet (apparently in a superior position) to sublate them.
The best of Postmodern theory means to answer to the very humanist desire to create more freedom and authenticity for people, but it also recognizes, as does West, in that complex difficulty it is postmodern thought (small p) that can also help us to sublate and transcend this historical moment, to invent the next one with a new dialectic to engage; that is, do the second half of our jobs as Humanities scholars and responsibly imagine a future fit for living with our students.