

not quite oval
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Pleon separated from last pereomere, suboval, bulbous, completely lacking all traces of segmentation or appendages.
consists of the species that can be distinguished from the rest of the subgenera by the following morphological features: relatively small, oval, and convex body; elytra with variable color patterns and pubescence; 11-segmented antennae and spherical rather than suboval last antennal club segment in males (Kadej & Kitano 2010; Kadej & Hava 2013).
yangtzeensis Lu, 1975 from the Tremadocian Nantsinkwan Formation of northwestern Hunan, South China, in all aspects of the cephalic morphology including: (1) shape and proportions of the cephalon, which has a maximum width at about onethird cephalic length from the posterior margin; (2) a gently tapering forward to almost parallel-sided glabella with a faint transverse glabellar furrow situated just anterior to the elongate, suboval glabellar node; (3) broadly triangular basal lobes connected to each other by the low and narrow transverse band (Fig.
Description: Pollen grain, monosulcate, overall amb longitudinally oval to subcircular, sulcus extending full length of the grain on the distal surface, slightly squeezed at pole with a marked oval or suboval outline.
Mesonotum: Extensively red-gold pruinose (silver pruinose laterally) except for small apruinose areas as follows: small posterior spot on postpronotal lobe, suboval area posterolaterally involving part of postalar lobe.
Frons vertical or even slightly truncates anteriorly; eyes suboval. Pronotum with conspicuous but not deep humeral notches, cylindrical on upper side, without signs of lateral carinae.
The diagnosis of the latter includes the statement about the cell shape: "body rounded trapeziform in lateral outline, deepest in or just behind the middle" (Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928: 283, 37(2, 3); that does not correspond to the specimen illustrated by Halim (1967), which is suboval and almost symmetrical in relation to the longitudinal axis of the cell.
The mandibles (Rmd and Lmd) (K4 (0)) were placed on the lateral suboval walls of the maxillae between the dorsal and ventrallobes.