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The Cronbach alpha coefficients for the scale were 0.79 for the "constant anger" subscale, 0.78 for the "anger-out subscale", 0.62 for the "anger-in subscale" and 0.84 for the "anger control subscale".8 The Cronbach alpha coefficients for the scale of this study were 0.84 for the "constant anger" subscale, 0.79 for the "anger-out subscale", 0.66 for the "anger-in subscale" and 0.82 for the "anger control subscale".
Subscales that assess seven (reflux, distension, diarrhea, fecal incontinence, constipation, emotional well-being, and social functioning) different categories of 34 items included in this scale and comprise the total GIS scores were designed to evaluate the patients' quality of life and severity of GIS symptoms (8,9).All subscales other than diarrhea and constipation are scored from 0.00 to 3.00; the diarrhea and constipation subscale scores range from 0.00 to 2.00 and from 0.00 to 2.50, respectively.
The Cronbach's alpha was 0.92 for the entire mentor form; 0.80 for the maintaining effective communication subscale; 0.79 for the aligning expectations subscale; 0.78 for the assessing understanding subscale; 0.83 for the fostering independence subscale; 0.42 for the addressing diversity subscale; and 0.82 for the promoting professional development subscale.
In the late postmenopause group, the sexual subscale score was observed to be significantly higher compared to the other groups (p<0.05).
These Findings are also supported by researches conducted by Rawnslay (1997) in Australia in which CEI (Personal Form) was used and the subscale 'Investigation' was negatively correlated with students' academic achievement in Mathematics at secondary level whereas subscale 'autonomy' has low correlation with students' academic achievement.
Correlations between the physical discomfort subscale of the PAC-QOL and the bodily pain and physical health subscales of the SF-36 are moderate to strong (convergent validity).
For all the subscales except the prosocial behaviour subscale, high scores indicate difficulties.
The Co-efficient of determination (r2) explained 6.1%%, 7.84 %, 5.56% of correlation in the Attention subscale by subscales SelfManagement, Motivation, Self-Monitoring.
Littman-Ovadia (2015) developed a 120-item short version of the VIA-IS by choosing the five items with the largest corrected item-total correlations from the original 10 items per subscale. This brief version (VIA-120) was substantially equivalent to the original English long form in internal consistency reliability and validity.
The score for each of the six subscales was calculated as mean and median of the responses to subscale items.
Item analysis was done using interitem correlation in which consistent values of <0.3 or >0.7 should be considered for removal of that item (question) as this indicates item irrelevance to the group (subscale) [7].