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exceptionally badexceptionally good; excellent
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mid90S Cert 15 Running time 85 mins Directorial debut of Superbad star Jonah Hill is a coming-of-age comedydrama which sees Sunny Suljic finding friendship among a group of Los Angeles skateboarders.
JFrom his early start in Judd Apatow films such as The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up, and then his breakout role in Superbad, to his Oscar-nominated turns in Moneyball and The Wolf Of Wall Street, he has earned his chops as a funnyman and a dramatic actor.
"Just like in 'Superbad,' Mike Snider actually was the first guy to get a fake ID and it was awesome."
Ideas are applied in the analysis of three popular films dealing with consent: 13, Superbad, and Doubt.
The Superbad co-stars will star in the TV project, which will be directed by True Detective's Cary Fukunaga.
SUPERBAD meets Night Of The Living Dead in a goofily enjoyable horror comedy big on gore, gags and graphic nudity.
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse 93 mins 15 SUPERBAD meets Night Of The Living Dead in a goofily enjoyable horror comedy big on gore, gags and nudity.
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's resume includes "Superbad" and "This Is the End," but with their two 2014 releases--"Neighbors," about new parents living next to a frat house; and "The Interview," about a talkshow host who lands a Kim Jong-un interview and is asked by the CIA to kill him--fans can spot a growing maturity in their writing.
Foul-mouthed Superbad managed a 'laugh a minute' score of 1.9, followed closely by the outrageous and least politically correct movie ever made, Borat, with 1.7.
Plus our lucky winner will also get a whole host of Laughing Matters comedy titles, including 21 Jump Street starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, Jack And Jill starring Adam Sandler (as both Jack and Jill), Katie Holmes, The Other Guys, Bad Teacher, Friends With Benefits, Step Brothers, Superbad on Blu-ray.
Superbad Five, tomorrow, 9pm Classic teen romp in which two best friends in their senior year at school agree to buy alcohol for a party.
The film stars one Michael Cera, who's made his name through a string of geeky roles in Juno, Superbad and last year's Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist.