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n, pl -men
(Swimming, Water Sports & Surfing) US a member of a surf-boat crew
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Three British raiders - John Gosden's Kick On, Andrew Balding's Raise You and Surfman, from Roger Varian's stable - never threatened.
Telecaster and Too Darn Hot were well clear of Surfman back in third, but Aidan O'Brien's Magna Grecia will be a tough nut to crack.
Surfman stayed on well for third place, and while Aidan O'Brien suffered a rare reverse in the Classic trials as Japan failed to get in a serious blow, he was not far behind in fourth.
NEWCASTLE: 4.45 She's Royal, 5.20 Chosen World, 5.55 Pendleton, 6.30 Island Flame, 7.05 Surfman, 7.40 Newmarket Warrior, 8.15 Gunmaker.
A sharp-eyed surfman noticed the signal and notified Keeper R.M.
He was a threat since "the oiler was a wily surfman" (1235), and he defied Nature by trying very hard "to keep a sea from breaking into the boat" (1233) and by saving the others with "a series of quick miracles and fast and steady oarsmanship" (1235).
* Surfman: Measurement of tensile stress and structural changes resulting from the machining process.
The Studers were able to meet with the last surviving surfman before he passed away last year.
Two years later, after investigating a fatal wreck that occurred in clear weather and uncovering negligence and lying by the station's keeper and a surfman, Lt.
100-30 Sir Broome, 5 Dyck, 13-2 Bangkok, 10 Surfman, 14 16 bar.