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adj. sweat·i·er, sweat·i·est
1. Covered with or smelling of sweat.
2. Causing sweat: a sweaty job.

sweat′i·ly adv.
sweat′i·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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This takes us to Level 4, where a night in the cells beckons; songs where you don't really understand that the lyrics are deeply inappropriate; swaying, licking your lips and pelvic thrusting sweatily in front of the senior management team on a work's night out while slurring Divinyl's 'I Touch Myself' is merely a slightly more original way to signal your job resignation.
? John Alker Club, Urmston / johnalkerclub.co.uk / 0161 748 2617 / Tomorrow, 7pm / PS12.50 Comedy / Jason Byrne High-octane Irish comic Jason Byrne is back on the road with more semiimprovised, sweatily energetic stand-up.
Sweatily. However, there are a few advantages to being capitally based.
Oh God where's the hand sanitizer?") sweatily explodes my IBS worse than eating a volcanic vindaloo in an airing cupboard.
But after a day of shouting sweatily at the sat nav I was in the mood to keep it old school.
At this point, Coppola's only concerned with audiences liking the film, a sad, sensual, wickedly funny slice of southern gothic based on the civil war-set novel by Thomas P Cullinan - and about a million miles removed from Don Siegel's lurid, sweatily macho 1971 adaptation of the same text.
We may presume the historical Moses wrestled with his deity every bit as sweatily as his ancestor Jacob contested with his heavenly visitor.
As you read this there'll be a high chance I'll be sat somewhere head in hands, sweatily clutching a can of ginger beer, piecing together the previous night's perplexing events like an episode of Homeland.
However, the sell-out crowd didn't seem bothered -- sweatily swaying along to Let It Go, his second single which was originally released as an EP in May last year.
Suddenly those early years of penury and slog - happily helping to lug their amps to the van after gigs or providing a place for them to sweatily crash - are swapped for the cosseted air-conditioned bubble of the luxury tour bus, first-class air travel and a paid road crew to do all the donkey work.
idea that so often bereft of sent to didn't were the to greet born Jesus I went back to the house where Nance, famed for re-rouging after every glass, already resembled a clown, and the neighbours were becoming sweatily expansive as they celebrated.