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(tæʃ; tɑːʃ)
archaic a buckle, clasp, or hook
[C17: from Old French, of Germanic origin; compare tack1]


(Hairdressing & Grooming) informal short for moustache
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n (Brit inf) → Schnurrbart m, → Oberlippenbart m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


n. tacha, mancha, peca; imperfección.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
Her husband, Tom Willard, a slender, graceful man with square shoulders, a quick military step, and a black mus- tache trained to turn sharply up at the ends, tried to put the wife out of his mind.
'What a row the brute makes!' said the indefatigable man with the mus- taches, appearing near us.
Nous promettons a notre camarade Aziz Belal de poursuivre notre marche sur la voie qu'il a tracee tout au long de trente annees de lutte et que nous ne faillerons jamais a notre tache.
With the Ministry of Lands, Tache said the NLC is looking for ways to ensure the construction of the SGR proceeds uninterrupted, even as a probe by the concerned agencies continues.
Nous ferons ici la difference entre une tache et une activite en termes d'ampleur, notamment au niveau de la mobilisation de strategies et d'activites langagieres, mais aussi d'intention de communication.
Grill restauranteur Christopher Peck, who was formerly a manager at Gleneagles, said: "La Tache is the wine people have been talking about since we opened and it will be somebody's bucket list moment to order it."
Dans le meme ordre d'idees, Brooks et Dansereau (1987), ainsi que Gagne et White (1978), soulignent que l'apprentissage et le transfert necessitent des interactions assez complexes entre l'apprenant, la tache source et la tache cible.
can't ignore tache it's a starter You will doubtlessly have a few ideas yourselves why this is so, but there's no doubt that men are paying the price with their health.
Both Tache's architectural masterpiece and Garneau's monumental book prove how wrong Lord Durham was when he wrote in his 1839 report that the French Canadians were "a people with no literature and no history."
Dans ce cas, deleguer la tache n'etait pas la bonne chose a faire.
With that in mind, we've taken a look back at some of the former Newcastle United players who have not taken part in the charity event, but instead grew their taches simply for style itself - I use the word style loosely.